
Best of each Family

Quick Info:

Article maintained by:
Aranesh, Shenk, Rosqo

Ratsch#21832, Rylene

Table of Contents:

1. Introduction
2. Humanoid
3. Dragonkin
4. Flying
5. Undead
6. Critter
7. Magic
8. Elemental
9. Beast
10. Aquatic
11. Mechanical

Last updated 2022-10-28

1. Introduction

This is an overview of the currently best and/or most used pets in PvP sorted by their families. With this list we want to help you find a pet of a certain class to either build a competitive team around or to fill a spot in an already existing one. Please keep in mind that those pets are rated in comparison to only other pets of the same family. That means that some families are far stronger than others and therefor pets of some kinds may be inferior to those, even though both are listed as being the best in their own family (I'm looking at you magic pets).

If you disagree with some of our choices or got any suggestions/questions please let us know in the comment section.
-Shenk & Rosqo

2. Humanoid

Фигурка анубисата (1/1/*)
Любопытный маленький волчер (*/1/1) or (*/1/2) with a bleed
Проклятый дозорный пустыни (*/2/1)
S/S Злобный бес (1/1/2)
S/S Детеныш живодера
Кельпин (*/2/2)
Куньлайский коротышка (*/2/2)
S/S Миниатюрный киражский стражник (1/2/2)
Ранишу-заморыш (*/1/1) or (*2/2)
P/P Мятежный бес (1/1/1)
Поганый маленький помощник (2/1/2)
S/S Снобольд-коротышка (1/2/1)
Трескунчик (*/1/2)
S/S Детеныш спорлинга (1/2/2)
P/S Плененный камнебес (1/2/1)
Колотун (*/1/1)
Змееустыш Танкинс (2/1/*)/Фанатик Орды/Энтузиаст Альянса (1/1/*)

3. Dragonkin

S/S Химерка-альбинос (1/2/1)
S/S Маленький бронзовый дракончик (1/2/1)
P/S Изумрудный протодракончик (*/2/2)
S/S Детеныш золотистого дракондора/ S/S Детеныш серебряного дракондора (*/2/2)
Бесконечный дракончик (1/1/*)
Осененный луной дракончик Пустоты (1/1/1)
S/S Чудесный дракончик Пустоты/Детеныш летучего хамелеона
Шторморожденный дракончик/Дракончик Нексуса (1/2/2)
P/S Сестра Сумрака (2/1/2)
P/S or H/P Сумеречный дракончик (2/*/1)
Детеныш дикого нефритового змея (2/1/1)
Ю'ла, дитя Юй-лун

4. Flying

Сумеречник-альбинос (2/1/2)
P/P Детеныш остроклюя (2/1/2) or any other toucan
Кобальтовый ворон (1/1/1)
Детеныш алого нетопыря (2/1/1) or any other flyer with Призыв тьмы+Ночной удар (and 292+ speed or 300+ power)
Детеныш злобоклюва (*/2/*)
S/S Детеныш сумеречного грознокрыла (2/1/1) with Toxic Fumes weather
Скверноскат (2/2/2)
P/P Оперившийся королевский орел (2/2/1) or any other buzzards or eagles with Смерч
Осиротевший сквернотопырь (2/2/2)
P/P Оса-паразит (2/1/1)
Королевский павлинчик (1/1/1)
Мерцающая водяная муха (2/1/2)
P/P Береговая бабочка (*/1/2)
P/B Яркая светоспинка (1/1/2)
P/S or S/S Светляк Бездны (2/1/2) with a hit chance buff (e.g. Танец дождя)
P/P Желтый мотылек 2/1/2 (or 2/*/1 (with a hit chance buff) or any other moth

5. Undead

H/P Гнилопых (1/2/1)
P/S Чумной ястреб (1/*/2)
S/S Костяной змей (1/2/2)
Проклятый кот (*/1/2)
Фрагмент Злобы (2/1/1)
Призрачный северный волчонок (1/2/2)
S/S Призрачный червь (*/2/1)
Кладбоша (1/2/*)
Костетряс (*/2/2)
Восстановленный загробник (1/1/2)
H/H Оскверненный дракончик (2/1/*)
Сын Сете (2/2/1)
S/S or P/P Призрачный ворон (*/1/1)
Жук-позвонок (*/2/1)
H/H Призрачный краб
H/H Нерожденная валь'кира (*/2/*)
S/S Злобный дух (*/2/*)
Призрачная кошка (1/2/1)

6. Critter

Акир-проходчик (1/2/1)
S/S Пылевой кролик (2/2/1); Зайчик Сада чудес (2/2/1) or any other 357 speed rabbit
S/S Хладошкурая крыса (2/1/2)
P/P Яркокопытный олененок (1/2/2)
Золотой трещунчик (1/1/2)
S/S Белка Седых холмов (2/2/1) or any other S/S squirrels
Птенец птицы любви (2/1/1)
H/P Ильный слизень (*/1/2)
Детеныш иглоспина (2/2/1)
S/B Пульсирующий червь (*/1/2)
S/S Карликовый марзуул (2/2/1)
Собиратель Мерцающей рощи (1/1/2)
S/S Трусливый сурок (*/2/*)
H/B Глубоководный слизень (1/*/2)
H/B Зараженный Бездной таракан (2/2/2)

7. Magic

Проклятый проклинатель
Аномалус (*/1/1)
S/S Чароглот (2/1/*)
P/P or S/S Кипящая кровь (*/1/1)
Небесный бегемотик (1/2/1)
Чудесная метла (1/1/2)
Зачарованная ручка (1/*/1)
Хиджальский огонек (2/1/1)
Потерянное перо (2/1/2)
Прислужник Демида (1/*/2)
Тенёк (1/2/*)
Звездный кролик (2/*/2)

8. Elemental

P/P Осенний росток (2/1/2)
P/P or S/B Огнепес (2/1/2)
Цветущее древо/Лесовичок (2/2/2)
H/P Фозручонок (1/2/2)
Радость (*/2/2)
S/S Танцор из нефритовых туманов (1/2/1) with Смерч/Смерч Бездны
Рагнароша (*/1/2)/Магматический яростишка (1/1/2)
H/P Живой песчаник (1/2/2)/Песочник (1/2/2)
Пылающий корги (1/1/1)
S/S Росток Ночной Тени ( 1/2/1)
H/S Рубиновая капля (*/2/2)
Снеговичок (*/1/2)
Воющий плеточник (2/*/1)

9. Beast

S/S Горная лиса (2/1/2)
Кровокаменный туннельщик (1/2/1)
Щенок альтеракского мастифа (1/1/1)
Детеныш смертолаза/Розовый тайпан (1/1/2)
Кошка-фамилиар (1/2/2) or Чернохвост (2/2/2)
Детеныш сторожевой кобры (2/1/*)
S/B or P/B Адский огнекоготь (2/*/1) /Скорпид-смертежал (1/1/2)
Звякс (*/2/2)
Юный куньчун (1/1/2)
Пода (*/1/1)
H/P Юный силитид (1/1/2)
Низкорослый дикорог/Карликовый дикорог (1/1/1)
Карликовый рокочущий ящер (*/*/1)
Сумрак (2/2/2)
Мстительный дикобразик (2/1/1)
Зараженная Бездной кошка (1/2/2)
Сюй-Фу, детеныш Сюэня (*/*/2) /Бань Фу, дочь Бань Лу (*/*/1)
Зандаларский ногогрыз (2/1/2)
P/P Зандаларский пальцегрыз (2/2/*)

10. Aquatic

Бенакс (1/*/1)
S/S Прибрежный прыгун (1/1/*) with Смерч/Смерч Бездны
P/P Императорский краб (2/1/1)
Рак-отшельник (1/1/1)
H/H Пресноводная квакуха (2/1/1)
Левая акула (2/2/2)
P/B Детеныш левиафана (1/2/2)
Волшебный речной рак (2/1/2)
Пурпурный иглобрюх (2/2/2)
P/B Песчаный солнечный краб (2/1/2)
S/S Темный ползун (*/1/1) or P/P (*/2/2)
Юркий угорь (1/1/1)
Ворчун (1/1/2)
Языкан (1/*/1) or (2/2/1)
Трагг Любознательный (1/1/*)
H/S or H/P Молодой песчаный решетник (*/1/1) with Смерч/Смерч Бездны

11. Mechanical

Тревогопес (1/2/2)
Быстробот-арахноид (1/1/1)
Бронированный сейфобот (*/1/2)
Бомблинг Черноплавса (*/2/2)
S/S Синий заводной ракетобот (2/2/1) /Игрушечный Тор (1/2/1)
H/P Землерой (*/1/2)
H/H Железная звездочка (1/1/1)
Поддельный "Блескотрон" (*/1/1)
S/S Механический морозный вепрь (2/2/1)
Блескотрончик (*/2/1)
Разрушитель XXS-002/Разрушитель XXS-002 Ландро (1/2/2)
Механический пандаренский дракончик (1/2/2)
S/S Механический скорпид (2/1/2) or (*/1/1) with a multi-hit pet
Микрочасовой Похитителей Солнца (2/*/2)
Образец 97 (1/1/2)
Мелкотрон (*/1/1)
Спокойный механический йети (*/1/2)
Боевой робот (1/2/1)

Armael написал на 2023-08-17 07:44:23

Teardrop Moth (2/2/2) should definitely be listed under the Flying section, this guy is insane in PVP matches.

JayASDG написал на 2023-06-25 19:49:41

What does it mean with it says "with Cyclon/Void Cyclone" Those pets dont have that ability.


написал на 2023-06-25 21:53:41

"H/S or H/P Young Sand Sifter (*/1/1) with Cyclone/Void Cyclone" meas use it with a pet that has Cyclone.

Cyclone, followed by Rain Dance to buff its damage, which the Young Sand Sifter has, is known as CloneDance: https://www.wow-petguide.com/Strategy/5222/Clone_Dance


написал на 2020-05-01 13:23:48

Question. Infernal Pyreclaw is listed as S/B under beast but on the Top Tier list it says breeds P/B and S/B. Does that mean S/B is superior but P/B works for the most part?


написал на 2020-03-17 18:44:02

How about Detective Ray? With the new Blizzard weather ability his flame jet and Immolations is much stronger, Im using it a lot lately and he didn't disappointed me so far:)

Thunderstruck написал на 2020-01-24 08:34:48

Great guide, thnx a bunch!


написал на 2019-09-03 03:23:30

Have you considered the Arachnoid Skitterbot? (It drops from Mecharantula on Mechagon.) Flurry, Extra Plating, and Smoke Cloud on a pet with 341 speed seems very strong. I've been running with a Specimen 97 on a team with Wyrmy Tunkins and Alpine Foxling, as the fox already has Flurry and I wanted to diversify attack types. That said, comparing the pets individually, the moveset of the Skitterbot looks stronger than the Specimen 97's to me. (edited)


написал на 2019-09-03 05:05:09

definitely agree it should be in the list. been playing it myself lately in a meme team and it's still over 90%, so i'll add it ;)


написал на 2019-09-03 03:41:15

You changed the Leviathan Hatchling Breed from H/P to S/B, but it doesn't have an S/B Breed. It has H/P, P/B and H/B.


написал на 2019-09-03 05:01:20

damnit, yeah... that's what i meant to write. the editor only shows pet IDs instead of names, that makes writing it a bit confusing^^ thanks for pointing it out (edited)

Homstar написал на 2019-07-11 19:27:54

So i am new to pet battling and was wondering what the s/s or h/p meant before the pets on the list.


написал на 2019-07-11 21:23:28

Welcome to the game. :)

Breed,.Breed is a mixture of (H)ealth, (P)ower, and (S)peed. So an S/S breed (Speed/Speed) has put all its points into Speed, and is as fast as that species can be. A H/P has points split between Health and Power.

For some species of pets, your choice of Breed to get is very important. You can make a pet Blue with a stone, but you can never change its Breed. Some species have only one breed. Some have many, but only one that is good for battling. In some cases you might want two or even three breeds for use with different choices of moves. It gets complicated after a while.

https://www.warcraftpets.com/wow-pet-battles/breeds/ goes into gory detail about the numbers.

You NEED to get the addon Battle Pet Breed ID from Curseforge, which will display each pet's breed beside it in the game.

Here is a long thread I wrote, in which I surveyed the breeds experienced people favoured across all the pets: https://eu.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/pet-breed-survey-2019/20349

Homstar написал на 2019-07-14 13:17:29

Thank you this explains and helps so much :)

Necro написал на 2019-04-09 05:34:02

Nice guide, actualy found some great combos from BFA that i didnt knew of like PP boarfly which im amazed on how strong it is. also seeing some strong pets i didnt knew off. good job


написал на 2019-04-10 09:28:10

thanks, glad we could help you ;)


написал на 2019-03-09 11:30:18

OK, handy as a first reference.

Everyone will have their own views on what they find works best, and that will doubtless be a whole lotta fun, but before we get into that, I suggest two things:

1. You NEED to specify Breed and context, where relevant. A B/B Fiendish Imp is a chocolate teapot.

2. What is the sequence intended to be for each family? It's not alphabetical. Is it random, or are you listing them in order your opinion of their value for PvP?


написал на 2019-03-09 12:12:33

1. i agree, but i was kinda busy and wanted to get that published. adding breeds and recommended movesets is something I could add to most of the pets, but for some of them I'd rather let people experiment with it ... I'll get that done ;)
2. it's just as they came to our mind. no ranking. could make it alphabetical, but in order of value would, for the most part, be vague, since it's hard to measure the value of them


написал на 2019-03-09 13:12:20

Agreed. The problem is, if they are not alphabetical, people will read them as being in order of power /value.

Necro написал на 2019-04-09 05:31:31

the order issue could be "solved" by doing a disclaimer "Order irrelevant to power"


написал на 2019-04-09 06:42:12

they already are in alphabetical order^^


написал на 2019-04-09 07:57:17

mybad, didnt even notice :p

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