vs. Вил'тик-детеныш

Тактику предоставили Kalagren



Strategy 4 of 17
Browse all alternatives

Вкл. шаги:

Нажмите на кнопку, чтобы скопировать скрипт в буфер обмена:

use(시체 폭발:663) [round>2]
use(스멀거리는 광기:1760)
use(광기의 일격:666)
use(야수 울음:362)
use(마력의 쇄도:593)
Вил'тик-детеныш 162471
Special or not:0Special or not:1212311817918231180

Способности: 2 1 2
Порода: Любой

Шныряющая крыса Утробы
This pet can have the following breeds:

Порода Health Power Speed
BB 1428 292 271
PS 1347 305 284
HS 1493 276 284
SB 1412 289 284

Special or not:0Special or not:101211526866211520

Способности: * 1 2
Порода: Любой

This pet can have the following breeds:

Порода Health Power Speed
HH 1644 276 260

1 ZR0 1 0

Любой уровень 25+ Питомец

Reworked 10.2

Мало опыта
Хотя бы один из питомцев в этой тактике должен быть определённой породы.
Не все тактики надёжны, как швейцарские часы. Это одна из таких. Возможно придётся пезапустить её, так как в бою могут быть случайности, которые повышают риск проигрыша питомцев. Пожалуйста, не вините их! Это не их вина.
Эта тактика использует питомцев, которые получаются за Коллекционную Карточную Игру WoW (TCG) или через аукцион за потенциально большие суммы золота.
Эта тактика использует питомцев, которые получаются только через внутриигровой магазин WoW за Баланс Battle.Net или реальные деньги.
Вы можете использовать эту тактику, чтобы прокачать питомца маленького уровня.
Некоторым инструкциям следовать сложнее чем другим. Эта тактика как раз содержит такие!
Тактика содержит скрипт, который можно использовать в аддоне Pet Battle Script. Вы можете скопировать скрипт, нажав на кнопку слева от питомцев.
Как минимум одного из питомцев больше невозможно получить. Если он у вас есть, поздравляем!
Куратор тактик считает, что эта тактика особенно полезна и отметил её этим тегом, чтобы её было легче найти.
In Dragonflight Patch 10.2, the ability Time Bomb has been changed. This tag is marking strategies using Time Bomb so they can be reviewed.
Time: 0:52
This time was entered by a strategy curator. It is quite reliable especially when using TDScript, however times can always vary slightly.
Rounds: 5
The number of rounds for this fight were added by a strategy curator. This number is usually very reliable.
Эта таблица показывает уровень, до которого будет прокачан питомец при битве с питомцами 25 уровня и одним питомцем для прокачки.
Частичный опыт не учитывается в вычислениях.

До После Количество опыта

Шляпа для сафари

Малое лакомство для питомца

Лакомство для питомца

Цилиндр Новолуния

Бонус за неделю битв питомцев

Strategy Details
52 Sec
This time was entered by a strategy curator. It is quite reliable especially when using TDScript, however times can always vary slightly.
The number of rounds for this fight were added by a strategy curator. This number is usually very reliable.
Calculated winrate: 95%

Breeds used:
Шныряющая крыса УтробыBB

The winrate was calculated using Pet Sim. Slight variations in the winrate are normal. Click here to run your own simulations on this strategy: Link to Pet Sim
2024-01-22 10:03:07
The strategy was last updated on this date.
2022-08-03 02:45:11
The strategy was created on this date.
Pageviews. This number indicates how often this strategy has been accessed by visitors.
Tamer Details
Vale of Eternal Blossoms 7.17 32.01 (TomTom / Map Pin)
Мало опыта

For the best display of your strategy, please follow these guidelines:

  • Use QuickFill elements where possible
  • Enter custom instructions in English
  • Check the Strategy Creation Guide for more info
Шныряющая крыса Утробы
Бешеный укус
Взрыв трупа
Ползучее безумие
Прилив мощи
Любой уровень 25+ Питомец
Bring in your Шныряющая крыса Утробы
Bring in your Хроминий
Swap to your Шныряющая крыса Утробы
Swap to your Хроминий
Вил'тик-детеныш comes in
An enemy pet comes in
Any standard attack will finish the fight
Шныряющая крыса Утробы
Any Pet
Бешеный укус
Взрыв трупа
Ползучее безумие
Прилив мощи
Important: Please enter your instructions in English or a large parts of the community will not be able to read them.
Some typical sentences are translated automatically. Move your mouse over this part for more details.
The following strings are auto-translated if you enter them in the defined format. It is recommended to use them where possible:
[ability=123:Spellname] - [pet=123:Petname] dies
[ability=123:Name] - [enemy=123:Enemyname] dies
[ability=123:Name] until [pet=123:Petname] dies
[ability=123:Name] until [enemy=123:Enemyname] dies
Swap back to [pet=123:Petname]
[ability=123:Name] until the fight is won
1 раунд

For the best display of your strategy, please follow these guidelines:

  • Use QuickFill elements where possible
  • Enter custom instructions in English
  • Check the Strategy Creation Guide for more info
Шныряющая крыса Утробы
Бешеный укус
Взрыв трупа
Ползучее безумие
Прилив мощи
Любой уровень 25+ Питомец
Bring in your Шныряющая крыса Утробы
Bring in your Хроминий
Swap to your Шныряющая крыса Утробы
Swap to your Хроминий
Вил'тик-детеныш comes in
An enemy pet comes in
Any standard attack will finish the fight
Шныряющая крыса Утробы
Any Pet
Бешеный укус
Взрыв трупа
Ползучее безумие
Прилив мощи
Important: Please enter your instructions in English or a large parts of the community will not be able to read them.
Some typical sentences are translated automatically. Move your mouse over this part for more details.
The following strings are auto-translated if you enter them in the defined format. It is recommended to use them where possible:
[ability=123:Spellname] - [pet=123:Petname] dies
[ability=123:Name] - [enemy=123:Enemyname] dies
[ability=123:Name] until [pet=123:Petname] dies
[ability=123:Name] until [enemy=123:Enemyname] dies
Swap back to [pet=123:Petname]
[ability=123:Name] until the fight is won
2 раунд

For the best display of your strategy, please follow these guidelines:

  • Use QuickFill elements where possible
  • Enter custom instructions in English
  • Check the Strategy Creation Guide for more info
Шныряющая крыса Утробы
Бешеный укус
Взрыв трупа
Ползучее безумие
Прилив мощи
Любой уровень 25+ Питомец
Bring in your Шныряющая крыса Утробы
Bring in your Хроминий
Swap to your Шныряющая крыса Утробы
Swap to your Хроминий
Вил'тик-детеныш comes in
An enemy pet comes in
Any standard attack will finish the fight
Шныряющая крыса Утробы
Any Pet
Бешеный укус
Взрыв трупа
Ползучее безумие
Прилив мощи
Important: Please enter your instructions in English or a large parts of the community will not be able to read them.
Some typical sentences are translated automatically. Move your mouse over this part for more details.
The following strings are auto-translated if you enter them in the defined format. It is recommended to use them where possible:
[ability=123:Spellname] - [pet=123:Petname] dies
[ability=123:Name] - [enemy=123:Enemyname] dies
[ability=123:Name] until [pet=123:Petname] dies
[ability=123:Name] until [enemy=123:Enemyname] dies
Swap back to [pet=123:Petname]
[ability=123:Name] until the fight is won
3 раунд

For the best display of your strategy, please follow these guidelines:

  • Use QuickFill elements where possible
  • Enter custom instructions in English
  • Check the Strategy Creation Guide for more info
Шныряющая крыса Утробы
Бешеный укус
Взрыв трупа
Ползучее безумие
Прилив мощи
Любой уровень 25+ Питомец
Bring in your Шныряющая крыса Утробы
Bring in your Хроминий
Swap to your Шныряющая крыса Утробы
Swap to your Хроминий
Вил'тик-детеныш comes in
An enemy pet comes in
Any standard attack will finish the fight
Шныряющая крыса Утробы
Any Pet
Бешеный укус
Взрыв трупа
Ползучее безумие
Прилив мощи
Important: Please enter your instructions in English or a large parts of the community will not be able to read them.
Some typical sentences are translated automatically. Move your mouse over this part for more details.
The following strings are auto-translated if you enter them in the defined format. It is recommended to use them where possible:
[ability=123:Spellname] - [pet=123:Petname] dies
[ability=123:Name] - [enemy=123:Enemyname] dies
[ability=123:Name] until [pet=123:Petname] dies
[ability=123:Name] until [enemy=123:Enemyname] dies
Swap back to [pet=123:Petname]
[ability=123:Name] until the fight is won
Выберите своего питомца Хроминий

For the best display of your strategy, please follow these guidelines:

  • Use QuickFill elements where possible
  • Enter custom instructions in English
  • Check the Strategy Creation Guide for more info
Шныряющая крыса Утробы
Бешеный укус
Взрыв трупа
Ползучее безумие
Прилив мощи
Любой уровень 25+ Питомец
Bring in your Шныряющая крыса Утробы
Bring in your Хроминий
Swap to your Шныряющая крыса Утробы
Swap to your Хроминий
Вил'тик-детеныш comes in
An enemy pet comes in
Any standard attack will finish the fight
Шныряющая крыса Утробы
Any Pet
Бешеный укус
Взрыв трупа
Ползучее безумие
Прилив мощи
Important: Please enter your instructions in English or a large parts of the community will not be able to read them.
Some typical sentences are translated automatically. Move your mouse over this part for more details.
The following strings are auto-translated if you enter them in the defined format. It is recommended to use them where possible:
[ability=123:Spellname] - [pet=123:Petname] dies
[ability=123:Name] - [enemy=123:Enemyname] dies
[ability=123:Name] until [pet=123:Petname] dies
[ability=123:Name] until [enemy=123:Enemyname] dies
Swap back to [pet=123:Petname]
[ability=123:Name] until the fight is won
4 раунд

For the best display of your strategy, please follow these guidelines:

  • Use QuickFill elements where possible
  • Enter custom instructions in English
  • Check the Strategy Creation Guide for more info
Шныряющая крыса Утробы
Бешеный укус
Взрыв трупа
Ползучее безумие
Прилив мощи
Любой уровень 25+ Питомец
Bring in your Шныряющая крыса Утробы
Bring in your Хроминий
Swap to your Шныряющая крыса Утробы
Swap to your Хроминий
Вил'тик-детеныш comes in
An enemy pet comes in
Any standard attack will finish the fight
Шныряющая крыса Утробы
Any Pet
Бешеный укус
Взрыв трупа
Ползучее безумие
Прилив мощи
Important: Please enter your instructions in English or a large parts of the community will not be able to read them.
Some typical sentences are translated automatically. Move your mouse over this part for more details.
The following strings are auto-translated if you enter them in the defined format. It is recommended to use them where possible:
[ability=123:Spellname] - [pet=123:Petname] dies
[ability=123:Name] - [enemy=123:Enemyname] dies
[ability=123:Name] until [pet=123:Petname] dies
[ability=123:Name] until [enemy=123:Enemyname] dies
Swap back to [pet=123:Petname]
[ability=123:Name] until the fight is won
5 раунд

For the best display of your strategy, please follow these guidelines:

  • Use QuickFill elements where possible
  • Enter custom instructions in English
  • Check the Strategy Creation Guide for more info
Шныряющая крыса Утробы
Бешеный укус
Взрыв трупа
Ползучее безумие
Прилив мощи
Любой уровень 25+ Питомец
Bring in your Шныряющая крыса Утробы
Bring in your Хроминий
Swap to your Шныряющая крыса Утробы
Swap to your Хроминий
Вил'тик-детеныш comes in
An enemy pet comes in
Any standard attack will finish the fight
Шныряющая крыса Утробы
Any Pet
Бешеный укус
Взрыв трупа
Ползучее безумие
Прилив мощи
Important: Please enter your instructions in English or a large parts of the community will not be able to read them.
Some typical sentences are translated automatically. Move your mouse over this part for more details.
The following strings are auto-translated if you enter them in the defined format. It is recommended to use them where possible:
[ability=123:Spellname] - [pet=123:Petname] dies
[ability=123:Name] - [enemy=123:Enemyname] dies
[ability=123:Name] until [pet=123:Petname] dies
[ability=123:Name] until [enemy=123:Enemyname] dies
Swap back to [pet=123:Petname]
[ability=123:Name] until the fight is won

I prefer the Flight of the Bumblebee


написал на 2024-05-11 06:20:02

You're meant to be the level pet master :p Jokes Nice strat :)

(OP) Kalagren

написал на 2024-05-11 07:56:14

I spent much time on this one with many different strats. I need to get back out there and try Blinky.


написал на 2024-05-11 14:25:54

I spent a bit of time today with toxic skin pets trying to do it. I actually found one that had a 97% win rate but then I realised sometimes the toxic skin survived and level pet would get no xp so not much point for the added time (was around 10-11 rounds).

Blinky might be a nice alternative


написал на 2024-01-22 03:01:25

Script for reworked strat:
use(시체 폭발:663) [round>2]
use(스멀거리는 광기:1760)
use(광기의 일격:666)
use(야수 울음:362)
use(마력의 쇄도:593)
Took 49 seconds measured in Pet Battle Log Keeper

(OP) Kalagren

написал на 2024-01-22 15:03:13



написал на 2023-11-16 05:20:22

When you're ready for us to reverify the strategy, please respond to this comment to let us know. ^^

(OP) Kalagren

написал на 2023-11-17 20:04:36

Strat is reworked


написал на 2023-11-17 20:43:54

Cheers ^^


написал на 2023-11-14 19:58:52

Looks like they changed some stuff and sadly Time Bomb today consumed Howl every single time I tried it

(OP) Kalagren

написал на 2023-11-15 09:12:04

Thank you for the invaluable feedback. Taking this strat down for rework.


написал на 2023-04-15 04:41:13

Works great! Thumbs up

(OP) Kalagren

написал на 2023-07-16 13:44:49

Thank you for the feedback, I am happy the strategy worked for you.

(OP) Kalagren

написал на 2023-05-30 00:28:25

Strat and script have been working well for level 5+ non aquatic carry pets.
Today, I had a script and strat failure with a level 9 aquatic pet.

The Time Bomb / Howl combo must land. If the carry pet dies before Turn 3, script would use Howl on Turn 3 and Surge of Power on Turn 4, consuming Howl without it modifying Time Bomb.

Script should now have Chrominius standby on Turn 4 should this happen. (edited)


написал на 2023-05-31 03:43:34

Is it flying damage it takes and randomly from cyclone?

(OP) Kalagren

написал на 2023-05-31 03:45:38

Yes. So, yeah, level 9 aquatic is vulnerable.

Figured despite the easy free XP, most would rather win and move on rather than restart for the 700-1200 xp.


написал на 2023-05-31 04:18:52

True. Would have to use up a turn passing anyway without a level pet :p

I think for Cyclones I run the numbers of 1 at Max with crit, 1 at Low range and 1 at high range. Then on rematch select flying.
Was just thinking because it comes in after turn 2 by turn 3 it'd be in already so would get half xp even if it died in the backline so you could go even lower.


написал на 2022-11-28 01:32:31

Worked very well, lovely strategy

Damiez написал на 2022-11-11 18:54:36

Strat worked for me!

Script I made for it:
use(Time Bomb:602)
change(#2) [self(#1).dead & !self(#2).played]
change(#3) [self(#2).active]
use(Surge of Power:593)

(OP) Kalagren

написал на 2022-11-23 04:28:15

Thank you Damiez for the script, you are awesome and I included it on the script tab.

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