“There are two ways to farm Tol'vir fragments - finding them at archaeology dig sites in Uldum, or exchanging Restored Artifacts for Crates of Tol'vir Archaeology Fragments from Brann Bronzebeard.
Speed wise, both ways take roughly the same amount of time to farm. Farming fragments in Uldum is a gamble, as the dig sites share spawns with all other Kalimdor dig site spawns, of which there are only 4 at any one time, which spawn randomly when one dig site is finished. Depending on your luck, this can be incredibly fast or incredibly slow.
The second method involves completing dig sites around Pandaria. Common artifacts found in Pandaria can be packaged up into a Restored Artifact and exchanged for Tol'vir Fragments. Each crate, however, only gives the same amount as a single dig from a dig site. You will likely achieve almost all of the Pandaria archaeology achievements in the process which is the benefit of doing it this way. Fragments per hour are far more consistent too.”
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