
Winner Announcement!

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Winner Announcement!


2022-01-17 04:43:04
The short hunt is over and we have some winners. But first, I'd like to ask for your help. If you used Xu-Fu's over the weekend, please help us out by voting in this super quick poll, thanks!!

Poll: How was the page performing during the Mini Treasure Hunt?
Final results:
➜ 5 Stars - Awesome (9)
The page loaded fast and I had no problems at all.
➜ 4 Stars - Good (48)
Not really any issues. Maybe a page loading a bit slow some times but no bother overall.
➜ 3 Stars - Okay (21)
Some slow loading or a page crashing here or there but all in all it was an Okay experience.
➜ 2 Stars - Not good (12)
It was usable but had frequent issues with pages loading very slowly or timeout errors.
➜ 1 Star - Bad (1)
It was a bad experience overall with constant issues, pages loading extremely slow and pages crashing or erroring out.
The poll has ended. Voting is no longer possible

With that out of the way, winnnneeeeerrrrs!

No big surprise, ikari smashed it out of the park with a total of 190,543 Anima generated and earned a Trompicón!
But wait, there IS a surprise! I have two Whompers! And that means Ivaelia on rank 2 with 59,883 Anima will get one, too.

And a roll among all the remaining Anima resulted in:

Grimorio de ráfaga goes to Anima #225229 which belongs to .... Fidea!
Mini XT de Landro goes to Anima #150502 which belongs to .... ResidentWeevil!

Congrats to everyone! I'll be in touch via DMs shortly :)

Some fun numbers:

  • 488,647 Anima was generated in total
  • 423 warriors were bought or found
  • Of those, 20 made it to Power 175! (3 of them were Xu-Fu's, appreciated!)
  • And those warriors battled out 2469 fights

  • All players together made a total of 19,066 interactions with the game

Some of those:
  • 6.111 coin stacks picked up
  • 1.633 chests found and plundered
  • 806 Anima stashes found


escrito el 2022-01-25 03:13:29

This was my first time getting to participate in the treasure hunt and I had a lot of fun! Thank you!!


escrito el 2022-01-17 15:54:58

while I did not play that much I did once get a notice about load issues and had to reload. If I was smart I would have noted the date and time but sorry I did not.

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