
Server-Move September 29th

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Server-Move September 29th

2020-09-28 11:15:13
Edit on September 29th

Because of a very unfortunate mistake on my end (timezones are difficult sometimes -.-) the server move happened a day early. My apologies for that.
On top of that, it caused a lot of issues, some small some large. Large meaning something like: not possible to login through Battle.net, error when writing comments, not possible to browse strategies. Issues with which it would be impossible to browse the page. I kept it offline for that reason.

In the meanwhile, I went through the biggest issues and repaired them, going through every function of the page as detailed as possible. There are still numerous smaller issues around, for example sending password reset emails is still broken. I will fix all of those as well asap but I won't keep the page hidden any longer.
If you encounter any errors, please let me know!

In the last few days, the page has been running a bit unstable. It's a combination of more complexity - user accounts, collections, pet comparisons etc. - and more people browsing the page. And the odd little coding mistake but let's not talk about that :)
To help with that, I've requested the entire hosting account Xu-Fu is running on to be moved to a new server with better hardware and settings that give us more computing power.

  • This is going to happen in the night from September 29th to September 30th at around 02:00 UTC

The process should be automatic and seamless but there are lot of smaller things changing that might need manual updating.
I can't guarantee a smooth transition and the page might be down for a few hours. Fingers crossed! :D

Druak escrito el 2020-09-30 08:14:43

I almost had a panic attack when i didnt know what was going on. all those pet achvs unfinished would of been a nightmare for me.


escrito el 2020-09-30 15:21:34

I did know what was going on, because I was in the Discord (/smug) and I have to admit, the sheer panic I saw from people looking for their Xu-Fu fix kept me amused all evening. I never quite realised Xu-Fu had become an Essential service. :)


escrito el 2020-10-01 15:19:06

Me too, I am new to this site and pet battling in general, when I tried to login and the site was offline I realized just how dependent I have been because the tool to create teams and export them directly into wow feels almost like cheating. /wink


escrito el 2020-10-04 06:51:54

I know when I could not get Xu-Fu to load, I was one of those who briefly had heart failure. Quite honestly, it is the best pet compilation and assistance website out there!!! I cannot do with out it!!! Aranesh, keep up the great work and know that the pet battlers of WOW l;ove you for all that you do to make us the best we can be!!!!! Crystal


escrito el 2020-10-04 06:52:54

Sorry for that typo......


escrito el 2020-10-07 05:00:33



escrito el 2020-09-29 14:15:59

Shit happens!
Das ist ein Hobby, und keine Hochverfügbarkeitslösung.
Du machst das prima.
Und immer mit Netz und doppeltem Boden arbeiten!
Am besten eine Entwicklungsumgebung in einer VM zu Hause aufbauen und immer von dort deployen - dann hat man zumindest ein Backup von der Infrastruktur.
Nur so als Idee - bin da immer berufsbedingt recht pervers unterwegs :-)


escrito el 2020-09-29 14:48:51

Die VM wäre was, japp. Dafür bin ich aber zu... unerfahren und blöd :S Ich mach regelmäßig backups immerhin, arbeite aber meist direkt auf'm server, teils separiert, teils am live code (uaaah). Ist halt nur ein Hobby und ich hab beruflich rein gar nichts mit coding zu tun. Alles eher amateurhaft.
Das heute war leider alles vom webspace provider "verursacht", dank massiver unterinformation was sich wirklich alles ändert. -.-

Wird schon! :D Danke für die positiven Gedanken!


escrito el 2020-09-30 07:27:53

Ohne etwas aufdrängen zu wollen, schreib ich dir mal ein paar Sachen zum Theme Development-VM zusammen.

Als kostenlose Virtualisierungslösung nutze ich manchmal Virtual Box - funktioniert ganz gut.
Fertige VMs findest du direkt bei Oracle:
und hier hab ich auch noch welche gefunden:

Damit kannst du dir die ganze Installation erst mal sparen und dich direkt mit dem Betriebssystem befassen.

Oder, wenn man es mag, dann installiert man sich das was man mag einfach selber in den virtuellen PC, den man sich wirklich sehr einfach einrichten kann.

Das soll alles keine Kritik sein und auch nichts für sofort, aber irgendwann wirds auch wieder etwas ruhiger, vielleicht ist es dann eine Idee das mal anzuschauen.
Wenn ich helfen kann, dann einfach anfragen.


escrito el 2020-09-30 08:00:56

Danke! :)
Ich hab direkt eine (wohl blöde) Frage ^^ Die Seite liegt nicht auf einem dedizierten Server sondern ist in nem shared hosting für webspace. Sprich ich hab weder root zugriff noch kann ich systembefehle ausführen oder apps/plugins installieren o.ä. - ich hab lediglich FTP und SQL Zugriff und kann paar settings einstellen (php.ini z.B.).

Meine derzeitge Vorstellung einer VM ist damit eher nicht kompatibel, weil ich die VM erstmal exakt so aufsetzen müsste wie der webserver damit ich keine versionskonflikte hab. Und deployment wäre damit auch ... komisch? Könnte das in dem setup überhaupt sinnvoll klappen? (editado)


escrito el 2020-10-07 04:27:45

Ok, ok, ok!
Kein direkter Zugriff ist natürlich etwas schwieriger.
Das wäre natürlich auch irgendwie nachzubauen, aber frag mich nicht wie :-/
Da war es wieder unser altes Problem: Zeit und Geld sind endlich!
Ich denk mal drüber nach.
Vielleicht kann ja jemand aus der tollen Community hier noch einen Tip geben?


escrito el 2020-10-01 15:15:05

Since the move my experience has been flawless, it was before too, but slower. Thanks again for this resource for folks to share with each other what works.

I'm looking forward to the exploration of this new expansion.


escrito el 2020-10-01 13:31:07

Wow! I absolutely LOVE the new look. Great job!

Thrunge escrito el 2020-10-01 11:05:03

Thanks for the site and all your hard work, its awesome :)


escrito el 2020-09-30 05:33:34

Thank you so much everyone for the love and support you're all extending to me and us :-)
It was a difficult day yesterday and I was stressing out quite a bit when I saw the state of the page after the move. It is extremely reassuring to read so many messages of pure positivity and support. Thank you! :bows:


escrito el 2020-09-30 05:49:01

I understand it can feel stressful but you provide a "free to use" website from what I guess you do not monetize on? You can take it in any pace you want all we user plebs can do is to be grateful for every step you take and for whatever stuff you choose to share with us! So, no need for you to stress out <3


escrito el 2020-09-30 13:35:36

But it's my little baby! Of course I'm stressing out :D

Thanks for the kind words <3


escrito el 2020-09-30 22:34:16

Thank you so much for this passion project of yours! Do you use a CMS of some sort or a static compiler? I love your site


escrito el 2020-10-01 04:53:54

Thanks :D
I use a code editor (Komodo IDE) that can edit/save files via FTP access. It's all handcoded with few exceptions. And no I'm not joking *cries in manual backups*

greyshadow escrito el 2020-09-30 02:11:20

No complaints. Best place ever for pet battle help.


escrito el 2020-09-30 00:59:12

I need to say thank you for all the work, love and thought you have put into this page! It was not until I tried to figure out what has happened when the site was down during this process, I found your Ko-Fi page where I could contribute and buy you a cuppa <3
Just thanks, this is my one and only page to go to when looking for advise, tips and tricks for pet battling <3


escrito el 2020-09-30 00:29:17

**LOVE** the new front page layout!! MANY thanks for all the hard work you do!! I was so lost the few days you were moving to a new server


escrito el 2020-09-29 21:32:02

"The person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.". Thanks for all your hard work, it is very much appreciated!


escrito el 2020-09-29 17:15:14

Yayyyy! We're back!! Not gonna lie, I panicked LOL. Happy Dance today though, and that's what matters. You do such AWESOME things for this community; I hope no one has given you any shit over this.

Anonymous escrito el 2020-09-29 15:29:50

Really mate? - we should all just be amazingly greatefull for all your hard work and say THANK YOU. So this is what I will do, and say; THANK YOU (editado)


escrito el 2020-09-29 15:17:00

Thank you so much for everything you do for the pet battle community. It was your site that inspired my love for battle pets and allowed me to make sense of a confusing part of WOW. <3


escrito el 2020-09-29 14:43:47

I woke this morning and checked for strategies on something and found it still down... hoped it wasn't anything too serious (I know well how "simple" migrations can go awry).

Thank you for all you do with this fantastic resource :)


escrito el 2020-09-28 17:42:28

Thank you! Good luck with the transition :)


escrito el 2020-09-28 15:08:01

appreciate you and all you do for this community keeping it running, keeping us safe, keeping the environment clean... and thanks for the warning too... it's computer stuff... nothing can be guaranteed :-)


escrito el 2020-09-28 12:41:56

What Steve said vvv (editado)


escrito el 2020-09-28 12:26:12

Appreciate everything you do for the community. Good luck!

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