
New section on Xu-Fu unveiled

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New section on Xu-Fu unveiled

2018-06-27 14:57:35
Today I am very happy to introduce a new section to Xu-Fu’s Pet Guides. A topic that has been neglected for way too long: Pet PvP!

Rosqo, well known in the pvp world of pet battles, volunteered to work on this section and will fill it with life. He is creating many pet related videos on Youtube to share his team setups and the thoughts behind them.
Definitely worth checking out!

The first page to go online is an overview of the recommended pets for PvP, separated into Tiers which are based on how often these pets appear and how powerful they are when facing human opponents.

Have a look at the new section and let us know what you think!


escreveu em 2018-07-17 13:46:31

Today's the day when the meta breaks, when the Bone Serpent and Teroclaw and Wicked Soul meet their well-deserved chopping block. Yay!

It will be interesting to see how Darkness fares. Personally, I think we'll still see far too much of it. Boo!

Lots of Impish shenanigans, though, I expect.


escreveu em 2018-07-26 11:30:48

Is there a summary somewhere available which pets got changed with the pre-patch?


escreveu em 2018-07-26 12:42:47

Yeah, you can find that here: https://us.battle.net/forums/en/wow/topic/20762158027?page=5#post-82

Kikki escreveu em 2018-06-28 16:12:39

This is awesome! I don't PVP at all, and have had a hard time finding a good pet combo! Thanks so much! Will there be any team suggestions for the Brawler achievements?


escreveu em 2018-06-30 03:48:07

Yes! Planned but not started, yet :-)


escreveu em 2018-06-30 00:29:42

Wonderful news! I've done a little PvP pet battling with mixed results, using the info from numerous sites. It's been difficult to correlate all the suggestions into a strategy of my own. Looking at the info provided so far in the new PvP section, I think it will be a great help. I've completed most of the other pet battle achievements and was wondering how I was ever going to make any headway on the many PvP achievements. As always, thanks so much for the great website, Xu-Fu!


escreveu em 2018-06-28 03:48:24

Oh wow! That sounds great! I'm strictly PvE player and was always intimidated to try PvP-ing with pets, I hope this will help me overcome it. I have nearly all other pet achievements and not a single PvP one. The Tiers section looks helpful; the abundance of new pets we received each expansion made things even "worse" for me, I would never know which ones to choose to even start the whole PvP thing.

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