
Aranesh is back :-)

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Aranesh is back :-)

2017-09-29 05:25:10
The last weeks were super relaxing. I saw and learned a lot of new things and spent equally as much time chilling on a beach :D
Now it's time to put that restored energy to some good use!

But first of all another big thank you for putting together all your insights and ideas for Family Fighter. In those two weeks, more than 3000 comments were submitted! Because of the sheer number of comments, it's the first time I won't manage to read all of them. I'm sorry for any great idea hidden in there unanswered. If you expected a reply and did not receive one so far, please just send me a mail or hook me up on Discord (Aranesh#6150).

Back on topic, I mentioned restored energy and that has to go somewhere. Before my vacation I came very close to finishing some of the most important features of Xu-Fu 2.0 and I'm rather confident now that I can put it live towards the end of October!

Here's my current development status:

User Registration and Login: Done
Login with Battle.net: Done
Personal profile page: Done
Settings (email / pw change etc.): Done
Selectable user icons (including character pics): Done
Automatic import of pet collection: Done
Comment system rework: 98%
Messaging system: 50%
Notification system revamp: 20%

Not much missing!
I'm really excited to finish all this and set it live. After spending almost a year developing it all I am looking forward to hear your feedback!

Kathleene написал на 2017-10-04 20:27:38

I'm so excited! I've been wishing for a way to track my pets and comments and the like on the site since I started using it regularly. I hadn't expected it to happen due to the incredible amount of time and money it must take just to keep everything updated and monitored, much less doing the major overhaul it would take to offer and maintain user accounts. What a thrill to learn about Xu-Fu 2.0. I'm really looking forward to it; and, on behalf of pet battlers everywhere, thank you for the wonderful community you've enabled to develop here.

Naveen написал на 2017-10-04 12:54:13

That looks sweet! Look forward to seeing this up and running!

Fawnix написал на 2017-09-29 19:18:13

Can't wait for all these features and thanks so much for building this pet community here.

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