vs. Тренировки с Ночными стражами

Тактику предоставили Aranesh



Strategy 1 of 5
Browse all alternatives

Вкл. шаги:

Нажмите на кнопку, чтобы скопировать скрипт в буфер обмена:

Тренировки с Ночными стражами 106552
Special or not:0Special or not:221112017009812010

Способности: 2 1 1
Порода: Любой

Порождение Г'нуса
This pet can have the following breeds:

Порода Health Power Speed
PB 1302 305 289

Special or not:0Special or not:62200746652037460

Способности: 2 * *
Порода: Любой

Императорский краб
This pet can have the following breeds:

Порода Health Power Speed
PP 1481 357 211
HH 1806 292 211

Special or not:0Special or not:62200401613124010

Способности: 2 * *
Порода: Любой

Прибрежный краб
This pet can have the following breeds:

Порода Health Power Speed
BB 1562 276 260
HH 1806 260 244
HP 1627 289 244

There are no stats available for this pet, yet. These need to be imported by an admin.


Note: You have selected a substitute pet.
The strategy might fail if you use it with this pet instead of the one the strategy creator intended.

The substitute finder looks for these criteria in relation to the original pet:
  • Same family
  • Has the required skills
  • Has the required stats (if specified)
  • Ignores specific breed requirements for the main pet, as breeds can be very different for substitutes

1 / 2

Note: You have selected a substitute pet.
The strategy might fail if you use it with this pet instead of the one the strategy creator intended.

The substitute finder looks for these criteria in relation to the original pet:
  • Same family
  • Has the required skills
  • Has the required stats (if specified)
  • Ignores specific breed requirements for the main pet, as breeds can be very different for substitutes

1 / 62

Note: You have selected a substitute pet.
The strategy might fail if you use it with this pet instead of the one the strategy creator intended.

The substitute finder looks for these criteria in relation to the original pet:
  • Same family
  • Has the required skills
  • Has the required stats (if specified)
  • Ignores specific breed requirements for the main pet, as breeds can be very different for substitutes

1 / 62

Script thanks to Zaphod

Много опыта
Хотя бы один из питомцев в этой тактике должен быть определённой породы.
Не все тактики надёжны, как швейцарские часы. Это одна из таких. Возможно придётся пезапустить её, так как в бою могут быть случайности, которые повышают риск проигрыша питомцев. Пожалуйста, не вините их! Это не их вина.
Эта тактика использует питомцев, которые получаются за Коллекционную Карточную Игру WoW (TCG) или через аукцион за потенциально большие суммы золота.
Эта тактика использует питомцев, которые получаются только через внутриигровой магазин WoW за Баланс Battle.Net или реальные деньги.
Вы можете использовать эту тактику, чтобы прокачать питомца маленького уровня.
Некоторым инструкциям следовать сложнее чем другим. Эта тактика как раз содержит такие!
Тактика содержит скрипт, который можно использовать в аддоне Pet Battle Script. Вы можете скопировать скрипт, нажав на кнопку слева от питомцев.
Как минимум одного из питомцев больше невозможно получить. Если он у вас есть, поздравляем!
Куратор тактик считает, что эта тактика особенно полезна и отметил её этим тегом, чтобы её было легче найти.
In Dragonflight Patch 10.2, the ability Time Bomb has been changed. This tag is marking strategies using Time Bomb so they can be reviewed.
Time: 1:54
This time was entered by a strategy curator. It is quite reliable especially when using TDScript, however times can always vary slightly.
Rounds: 18
The number of rounds for this fight were added by a strategy curator. This number is usually very reliable.
Эта таблица показывает уровень, до которого будет прокачан питомец при битве с питомцами 25 уровня и одним питомцем для прокачки.
Частичный опыт не учитывается в вычислениях.

До После Количество опыта

Шляпа для сафари

Малое лакомство для питомца

Лакомство для питомца

Цилиндр Новолуния

Бонус за неделю битв питомцев


Питомец прокачан до 25 с минимальными потерями опыта


Излишний опыт при прокачке до 25

Strategy Details
1 Min 54 Sec
This time was entered by a strategy curator. It is quite reliable especially when using TDScript, however times can always vary slightly.
The number of rounds for this fight were added by a strategy curator. This number is usually very reliable.
Pet Sim does not have an enemy fight logic for this encounter, yet. Winrates cannot be calculated until the fight has been mapped.
2023-08-15 16:23:16
The strategy was last updated on this date.
2017-03-14 04:33:05
The strategy was created on this date.
Pageviews. This number indicates how often this strategy has been accessed by visitors.
Tamer Details
Azsuna 46.4 40.4 (TomTom / Map Pin)
Много опыта
1+2 раунды

For the best display of your strategy, please follow these guidelines:

  • Use QuickFill elements where possible
  • Enter custom instructions in English
  • Check the Strategy Creation Guide for more info
Порождение Г'нуса
Удар грома
Императорский краб
Прибрежный краб
Bring in your Порождение Г'нуса
Bring in your Императорский краб
Bring in your Прибрежный краб
Swap to your Порождение Г'нуса
Swap to your Императорский краб
Swap to your Прибрежный краб
Порхающая книга comes in
Услужливый дух comes in
Изящный мотылек comes in
An enemy pet comes in
Any standard attack will finish the fight
Порождение Г'нуса
Императорский краб
Прибрежный краб
Удар грома
Изящный мотылек
Услужливый дух
Порхающая книга
Important: Please enter your instructions in English or a large parts of the community will not be able to read them.
Some typical sentences are translated automatically. Move your mouse over this part for more details.
The following strings are auto-translated if you enter them in the defined format. It is recommended to use them where possible:
[ability=123:Spellname] - [pet=123:Petname] dies
[ability=123:Name] - [enemy=123:Enemyname] dies
[ability=123:Name] until [pet=123:Petname] dies
[ability=123:Name] until [enemy=123:Enemyname] dies
Swap back to [pet=123:Petname]
[ability=123:Name] until the fight is won
3 раунд

For the best display of your strategy, please follow these guidelines:

  • Use QuickFill elements where possible
  • Enter custom instructions in English
  • Check the Strategy Creation Guide for more info
Порождение Г'нуса
Удар грома
Императорский краб
Прибрежный краб
Bring in your Порождение Г'нуса
Bring in your Императорский краб
Bring in your Прибрежный краб
Swap to your Порождение Г'нуса
Swap to your Императорский краб
Swap to your Прибрежный краб
Порхающая книга comes in
Услужливый дух comes in
Изящный мотылек comes in
An enemy pet comes in
Any standard attack will finish the fight
Порождение Г'нуса
Императорский краб
Прибрежный краб
Удар грома
Изящный мотылек
Услужливый дух
Порхающая книга
Important: Please enter your instructions in English or a large parts of the community will not be able to read them.
Some typical sentences are translated automatically. Move your mouse over this part for more details.
The following strings are auto-translated if you enter them in the defined format. It is recommended to use them where possible:
[ability=123:Spellname] - [pet=123:Petname] dies
[ability=123:Name] - [enemy=123:Enemyname] dies
[ability=123:Name] until [pet=123:Petname] dies
[ability=123:Name] until [enemy=123:Enemyname] dies
Swap back to [pet=123:Petname]
[ability=123:Name] until the fight is won
4 раунд

For the best display of your strategy, please follow these guidelines:

  • Use QuickFill elements where possible
  • Enter custom instructions in English
  • Check the Strategy Creation Guide for more info
Порождение Г'нуса
Удар грома
Императорский краб
Прибрежный краб
Bring in your Порождение Г'нуса
Bring in your Императорский краб
Bring in your Прибрежный краб
Swap to your Порождение Г'нуса
Swap to your Императорский краб
Swap to your Прибрежный краб
Порхающая книга comes in
Услужливый дух comes in
Изящный мотылек comes in
An enemy pet comes in
Any standard attack will finish the fight
Порождение Г'нуса
Императорский краб
Прибрежный краб
Удар грома
Изящный мотылек
Услужливый дух
Порхающая книга
Important: Please enter your instructions in English or a large parts of the community will not be able to read them.
Some typical sentences are translated automatically. Move your mouse over this part for more details.
The following strings are auto-translated if you enter them in the defined format. It is recommended to use them where possible:
[ability=123:Spellname] - [pet=123:Petname] dies
[ability=123:Name] - [enemy=123:Enemyname] dies
[ability=123:Name] until [pet=123:Petname] dies
[ability=123:Name] until [enemy=123:Enemyname] dies
Swap back to [pet=123:Petname]
[ability=123:Name] until the fight is won
5 раунд
Пропустите ход

For the best display of your strategy, please follow these guidelines:

  • Use QuickFill elements where possible
  • Enter custom instructions in English
  • Check the Strategy Creation Guide for more info
Порождение Г'нуса
Удар грома
Императорский краб
Прибрежный краб
Bring in your Порождение Г'нуса
Bring in your Императорский краб
Bring in your Прибрежный краб
Swap to your Порождение Г'нуса
Swap to your Императорский краб
Swap to your Прибрежный краб
Порхающая книга comes in
Услужливый дух comes in
Изящный мотылек comes in
An enemy pet comes in
Any standard attack will finish the fight
Порождение Г'нуса
Императорский краб
Прибрежный краб
Удар грома
Изящный мотылек
Услужливый дух
Порхающая книга
Important: Please enter your instructions in English or a large parts of the community will not be able to read them.
Some typical sentences are translated automatically. Move your mouse over this part for more details.
The following strings are auto-translated if you enter them in the defined format. It is recommended to use them where possible:
[ability=123:Spellname] - [pet=123:Petname] dies
[ability=123:Name] - [enemy=123:Enemyname] dies
[ability=123:Name] until [pet=123:Petname] dies
[ability=123:Name] until [enemy=123:Enemyname] dies
Swap back to [pet=123:Petname]
[ability=123:Name] until the fight is won
6 раунд

For the best display of your strategy, please follow these guidelines:

  • Use QuickFill elements where possible
  • Enter custom instructions in English
  • Check the Strategy Creation Guide for more info
Порождение Г'нуса
Удар грома
Императорский краб
Прибрежный краб
Bring in your Порождение Г'нуса
Bring in your Императорский краб
Bring in your Прибрежный краб
Swap to your Порождение Г'нуса
Swap to your Императорский краб
Swap to your Прибрежный краб
Порхающая книга comes in
Услужливый дух comes in
Изящный мотылек comes in
An enemy pet comes in
Any standard attack will finish the fight
Порождение Г'нуса
Императорский краб
Прибрежный краб
Удар грома
Изящный мотылек
Услужливый дух
Порхающая книга
Important: Please enter your instructions in English or a large parts of the community will not be able to read them.
Some typical sentences are translated automatically. Move your mouse over this part for more details.
The following strings are auto-translated if you enter them in the defined format. It is recommended to use them where possible:
[ability=123:Spellname] - [pet=123:Petname] dies
[ability=123:Name] - [enemy=123:Enemyname] dies
[ability=123:Name] until [pet=123:Petname] dies
[ability=123:Name] until [enemy=123:Enemyname] dies
Swap back to [pet=123:Petname]
[ability=123:Name] until the fight is won
7+8 раунды

For the best display of your strategy, please follow these guidelines:

  • Use QuickFill elements where possible
  • Enter custom instructions in English
  • Check the Strategy Creation Guide for more info
Порождение Г'нуса
Удар грома
Императорский краб
Прибрежный краб
Bring in your Порождение Г'нуса
Bring in your Императорский краб
Bring in your Прибрежный краб
Swap to your Порождение Г'нуса
Swap to your Императорский краб
Swap to your Прибрежный краб
Порхающая книга comes in
Услужливый дух comes in
Изящный мотылек comes in
An enemy pet comes in
Any standard attack will finish the fight
Порождение Г'нуса
Императорский краб
Прибрежный краб
Удар грома
Изящный мотылек
Услужливый дух
Порхающая книга
Important: Please enter your instructions in English or a large parts of the community will not be able to read them.
Some typical sentences are translated automatically. Move your mouse over this part for more details.
The following strings are auto-translated if you enter them in the defined format. It is recommended to use them where possible:
[ability=123:Spellname] - [pet=123:Petname] dies
[ability=123:Name] - [enemy=123:Enemyname] dies
[ability=123:Name] until [pet=123:Petname] dies
[ability=123:Name] until [enemy=123:Enemyname] dies
Swap back to [pet=123:Petname]
[ability=123:Name] until the fight is won
Услужливый дух вступает в бой

For the best display of your strategy, please follow these guidelines:

  • Use QuickFill elements where possible
  • Enter custom instructions in English
  • Check the Strategy Creation Guide for more info
Порождение Г'нуса
Удар грома
Императорский краб
Прибрежный краб
Bring in your Порождение Г'нуса
Bring in your Императорский краб
Bring in your Прибрежный краб
Swap to your Порождение Г'нуса
Swap to your Императорский краб
Swap to your Прибрежный краб
Порхающая книга comes in
Услужливый дух comes in
Изящный мотылек comes in
An enemy pet comes in
Any standard attack will finish the fight
Порождение Г'нуса
Императорский краб
Прибрежный краб
Удар грома
Изящный мотылек
Услужливый дух
Порхающая книга
Important: Please enter your instructions in English or a large parts of the community will not be able to read them.
Some typical sentences are translated automatically. Move your mouse over this part for more details.
The following strings are auto-translated if you enter them in the defined format. It is recommended to use them where possible:
[ability=123:Spellname] - [pet=123:Petname] dies
[ability=123:Name] - [enemy=123:Enemyname] dies
[ability=123:Name] until [pet=123:Petname] dies
[ability=123:Name] until [enemy=123:Enemyname] dies
Swap back to [pet=123:Petname]
[ability=123:Name] until the fight is won
1 раунд

For the best display of your strategy, please follow these guidelines:

  • Use QuickFill elements where possible
  • Enter custom instructions in English
  • Check the Strategy Creation Guide for more info
Порождение Г'нуса
Удар грома
Императорский краб
Прибрежный краб
Bring in your Порождение Г'нуса
Bring in your Императорский краб
Bring in your Прибрежный краб
Swap to your Порождение Г'нуса
Swap to your Императорский краб
Swap to your Прибрежный краб
Порхающая книга comes in
Услужливый дух comes in
Изящный мотылек comes in
An enemy pet comes in
Any standard attack will finish the fight
Порождение Г'нуса
Императорский краб
Прибрежный краб
Удар грома
Изящный мотылек
Услужливый дух
Порхающая книга
Important: Please enter your instructions in English or a large parts of the community will not be able to read them.
Some typical sentences are translated automatically. Move your mouse over this part for more details.
The following strings are auto-translated if you enter them in the defined format. It is recommended to use them where possible:
[ability=123:Spellname] - [pet=123:Petname] dies
[ability=123:Name] - [enemy=123:Enemyname] dies
[ability=123:Name] until [pet=123:Petname] dies
[ability=123:Name] until [enemy=123:Enemyname] dies
Swap back to [pet=123:Petname]
[ability=123:Name] until the fight is won
2 раунд

For the best display of your strategy, please follow these guidelines:

  • Use QuickFill elements where possible
  • Enter custom instructions in English
  • Check the Strategy Creation Guide for more info
Порождение Г'нуса
Удар грома
Императорский краб
Прибрежный краб
Bring in your Порождение Г'нуса
Bring in your Императорский краб
Bring in your Прибрежный краб
Swap to your Порождение Г'нуса
Swap to your Императорский краб
Swap to your Прибрежный краб
Порхающая книга comes in
Услужливый дух comes in
Изящный мотылек comes in
An enemy pet comes in
Any standard attack will finish the fight
Порождение Г'нуса
Императорский краб
Прибрежный краб
Удар грома
Изящный мотылек
Услужливый дух
Порхающая книга
Important: Please enter your instructions in English or a large parts of the community will not be able to read them.
Some typical sentences are translated automatically. Move your mouse over this part for more details.
The following strings are auto-translated if you enter them in the defined format. It is recommended to use them where possible:
[ability=123:Spellname] - [pet=123:Petname] dies
[ability=123:Name] - [enemy=123:Enemyname] dies
[ability=123:Name] until [pet=123:Petname] dies
[ability=123:Name] until [enemy=123:Enemyname] dies
Swap back to [pet=123:Petname]
[ability=123:Name] until the fight is won
3 раунд

For the best display of your strategy, please follow these guidelines:

  • Use QuickFill elements where possible
  • Enter custom instructions in English
  • Check the Strategy Creation Guide for more info
Порождение Г'нуса
Удар грома
Императорский краб
Прибрежный краб
Bring in your Порождение Г'нуса
Bring in your Императорский краб
Bring in your Прибрежный краб
Swap to your Порождение Г'нуса
Swap to your Императорский краб
Swap to your Прибрежный краб
Порхающая книга comes in
Услужливый дух comes in
Изящный мотылек comes in
An enemy pet comes in
Any standard attack will finish the fight
Порождение Г'нуса
Императорский краб
Прибрежный краб
Удар грома
Изящный мотылек
Услужливый дух
Порхающая книга
Important: Please enter your instructions in English or a large parts of the community will not be able to read them.
Some typical sentences are translated automatically. Move your mouse over this part for more details.
The following strings are auto-translated if you enter them in the defined format. It is recommended to use them where possible:
[ability=123:Spellname] - [pet=123:Petname] dies
[ability=123:Name] - [enemy=123:Enemyname] dies
[ability=123:Name] until [pet=123:Petname] dies
[ability=123:Name] until [enemy=123:Enemyname] dies
Swap back to [pet=123:Petname]
[ability=123:Name] until the fight is won
4 раунд
Пропустите ход

For the best display of your strategy, please follow these guidelines:

  • Use QuickFill elements where possible
  • Enter custom instructions in English
  • Check the Strategy Creation Guide for more info
Порождение Г'нуса
Удар грома
Императорский краб
Прибрежный краб
Bring in your Порождение Г'нуса
Bring in your Императорский краб
Bring in your Прибрежный краб
Swap to your Порождение Г'нуса
Swap to your Императорский краб
Swap to your Прибрежный краб
Порхающая книга comes in
Услужливый дух comes in
Изящный мотылек comes in
An enemy pet comes in
Any standard attack will finish the fight
Порождение Г'нуса
Императорский краб
Прибрежный краб
Удар грома
Изящный мотылек
Услужливый дух
Порхающая книга
Important: Please enter your instructions in English or a large parts of the community will not be able to read them.
Some typical sentences are translated automatically. Move your mouse over this part for more details.
The following strings are auto-translated if you enter them in the defined format. It is recommended to use them where possible:
[ability=123:Spellname] - [pet=123:Petname] dies
[ability=123:Name] - [enemy=123:Enemyname] dies
[ability=123:Name] until [pet=123:Petname] dies
[ability=123:Name] until [enemy=123:Enemyname] dies
Swap back to [pet=123:Petname]
[ability=123:Name] until the fight is won
5+6 раунды

For the best display of your strategy, please follow these guidelines:

  • Use QuickFill elements where possible
  • Enter custom instructions in English
  • Check the Strategy Creation Guide for more info
Порождение Г'нуса
Удар грома
Императорский краб
Прибрежный краб
Bring in your Порождение Г'нуса
Bring in your Императорский краб
Bring in your Прибрежный краб
Swap to your Порождение Г'нуса
Swap to your Императорский краб
Swap to your Прибрежный краб
Порхающая книга comes in
Услужливый дух comes in
Изящный мотылек comes in
An enemy pet comes in
Any standard attack will finish the fight
Порождение Г'нуса
Императорский краб
Прибрежный краб
Удар грома
Изящный мотылек
Услужливый дух
Порхающая книга
Important: Please enter your instructions in English or a large parts of the community will not be able to read them.
Some typical sentences are translated automatically. Move your mouse over this part for more details.
The following strings are auto-translated if you enter them in the defined format. It is recommended to use them where possible:
[ability=123:Spellname] - [pet=123:Petname] dies
[ability=123:Name] - [enemy=123:Enemyname] dies
[ability=123:Name] until [pet=123:Petname] dies
[ability=123:Name] until [enemy=123:Enemyname] dies
Swap back to [pet=123:Petname]
[ability=123:Name] until the fight is won
7 раунд

For the best display of your strategy, please follow these guidelines:

  • Use QuickFill elements where possible
  • Enter custom instructions in English
  • Check the Strategy Creation Guide for more info
Порождение Г'нуса
Удар грома
Императорский краб
Прибрежный краб
Bring in your Порождение Г'нуса
Bring in your Императорский краб
Bring in your Прибрежный краб
Swap to your Порождение Г'нуса
Swap to your Императорский краб
Swap to your Прибрежный краб
Порхающая книга comes in
Услужливый дух comes in
Изящный мотылек comes in
An enemy pet comes in
Any standard attack will finish the fight
Порождение Г'нуса
Императорский краб
Прибрежный краб
Удар грома
Изящный мотылек
Услужливый дух
Порхающая книга
Important: Please enter your instructions in English or a large parts of the community will not be able to read them.
Some typical sentences are translated automatically. Move your mouse over this part for more details.
The following strings are auto-translated if you enter them in the defined format. It is recommended to use them where possible:
[ability=123:Spellname] - [pet=123:Petname] dies
[ability=123:Name] - [enemy=123:Enemyname] dies
[ability=123:Name] until [pet=123:Petname] dies
[ability=123:Name] until [enemy=123:Enemyname] dies
Swap back to [pet=123:Petname]
[ability=123:Name] until the fight is won
8 раунд

For the best display of your strategy, please follow these guidelines:

  • Use QuickFill elements where possible
  • Enter custom instructions in English
  • Check the Strategy Creation Guide for more info
Порождение Г'нуса
Удар грома
Императорский краб
Прибрежный краб
Bring in your Порождение Г'нуса
Bring in your Императорский краб
Bring in your Прибрежный краб
Swap to your Порождение Г'нуса
Swap to your Императорский краб
Swap to your Прибрежный краб
Порхающая книга comes in
Услужливый дух comes in
Изящный мотылек comes in
An enemy pet comes in
Any standard attack will finish the fight
Порождение Г'нуса
Императорский краб
Прибрежный краб
Удар грома
Изящный мотылек
Услужливый дух
Порхающая книга
Important: Please enter your instructions in English or a large parts of the community will not be able to read them.
Some typical sentences are translated automatically. Move your mouse over this part for more details.
The following strings are auto-translated if you enter them in the defined format. It is recommended to use them where possible:
[ability=123:Spellname] - [pet=123:Petname] dies
[ability=123:Name] - [enemy=123:Enemyname] dies
[ability=123:Name] until [pet=123:Petname] dies
[ability=123:Name] until [enemy=123:Enemyname] dies
Swap back to [pet=123:Petname]
[ability=123:Name] until the fight is won
Изящный мотылек вступает в бой

For the best display of your strategy, please follow these guidelines:

  • Use QuickFill elements where possible
  • Enter custom instructions in English
  • Check the Strategy Creation Guide for more info
Порождение Г'нуса
Удар грома
Императорский краб
Прибрежный краб
Bring in your Порождение Г'нуса
Bring in your Императорский краб
Bring in your Прибрежный краб
Swap to your Порождение Г'нуса
Swap to your Императорский краб
Swap to your Прибрежный краб
Порхающая книга comes in
Услужливый дух comes in
Изящный мотылек comes in
An enemy pet comes in
Any standard attack will finish the fight
Порождение Г'нуса
Императорский краб
Прибрежный краб
Удар грома
Изящный мотылек
Услужливый дух
Порхающая книга
Important: Please enter your instructions in English or a large parts of the community will not be able to read them.
Some typical sentences are translated automatically. Move your mouse over this part for more details.
The following strings are auto-translated if you enter them in the defined format. It is recommended to use them where possible:
[ability=123:Spellname] - [pet=123:Petname] dies
[ability=123:Name] - [enemy=123:Enemyname] dies
[ability=123:Name] until [pet=123:Petname] dies
[ability=123:Name] until [enemy=123:Enemyname] dies
Swap back to [pet=123:Petname]
[ability=123:Name] until the fight is won
1 раунд
Сотрясение - your Spawn of G'nathus dies

For the best display of your strategy, please follow these guidelines:

  • Use QuickFill elements where possible
  • Enter custom instructions in English
  • Check the Strategy Creation Guide for more info
Порождение Г'нуса
Удар грома
Императорский краб
Прибрежный краб
Bring in your Порождение Г'нуса
Bring in your Императорский краб
Bring in your Прибрежный краб
Swap to your Порождение Г'нуса
Swap to your Императорский краб
Swap to your Прибрежный краб
Порхающая книга comes in
Услужливый дух comes in
Изящный мотылек comes in
An enemy pet comes in
Any standard attack will finish the fight
Порождение Г'нуса
Императорский краб
Прибрежный краб
Удар грома
Изящный мотылек
Услужливый дух
Порхающая книга
Important: Please enter your instructions in English or a large parts of the community will not be able to read them.
Some typical sentences are translated automatically. Move your mouse over this part for more details.
The following strings are auto-translated if you enter them in the defined format. It is recommended to use them where possible:
[ability=123:Spellname] - [pet=123:Petname] dies
[ability=123:Name] - [enemy=123:Enemyname] dies
[ability=123:Name] until [pet=123:Petname] dies
[ability=123:Name] until [enemy=123:Enemyname] dies
Swap back to [pet=123:Petname]
[ability=123:Name] until the fight is won
Bring in your next pet

For the best display of your strategy, please follow these guidelines:

  • Use QuickFill elements where possible
  • Enter custom instructions in English
  • Check the Strategy Creation Guide for more info
Порождение Г'нуса
Удар грома
Императорский краб
Прибрежный краб
Bring in your Порождение Г'нуса
Bring in your Императорский краб
Bring in your Прибрежный краб
Swap to your Порождение Г'нуса
Swap to your Императорский краб
Swap to your Прибрежный краб
Порхающая книга comes in
Услужливый дух comes in
Изящный мотылек comes in
An enemy pet comes in
Any standard attack will finish the fight
Порождение Г'нуса
Императорский краб
Прибрежный краб
Удар грома
Изящный мотылек
Услужливый дух
Порхающая книга
Important: Please enter your instructions in English or a large parts of the community will not be able to read them.
Some typical sentences are translated automatically. Move your mouse over this part for more details.
The following strings are auto-translated if you enter them in the defined format. It is recommended to use them where possible:
[ability=123:Spellname] - [pet=123:Petname] dies
[ability=123:Name] - [enemy=123:Enemyname] dies
[ability=123:Name] until [pet=123:Petname] dies
[ability=123:Name] until [enemy=123:Enemyname] dies
Swap back to [pet=123:Petname]
[ability=123:Name] until the fight is won
1+ раунды
From here on just use Бросок. Depending on how well Spawn of G'nathus did, you might not even need the third pet.

For the best display of your strategy, please follow these guidelines:

  • Use QuickFill elements where possible
  • Enter custom instructions in English
  • Check the Strategy Creation Guide for more info
Порождение Г'нуса
Удар грома
Императорский краб
Прибрежный краб
Bring in your Порождение Г'нуса
Bring in your Императорский краб
Bring in your Прибрежный краб
Swap to your Порождение Г'нуса
Swap to your Императорский краб
Swap to your Прибрежный краб
Порхающая книга comes in
Услужливый дух comes in
Изящный мотылек comes in
An enemy pet comes in
Any standard attack will finish the fight
Порождение Г'нуса
Императорский краб
Прибрежный краб
Удар грома
Изящный мотылек
Услужливый дух
Порхающая книга
Important: Please enter your instructions in English or a large parts of the community will not be able to read them.
Some typical sentences are translated automatically. Move your mouse over this part for more details.
The following strings are auto-translated if you enter them in the defined format. It is recommended to use them where possible:
[ability=123:Spellname] - [pet=123:Petname] dies
[ability=123:Name] - [enemy=123:Enemyname] dies
[ability=123:Name] until [pet=123:Petname] dies
[ability=123:Name] until [enemy=123:Enemyname] dies
Swap back to [pet=123:Petname]
[ability=123:Name] until the fight is won

Когда на землю спускается ночь, стражи выходят охранять наш покой.


написал на 2024-03-02 07:23:12

In DF 10.2.5 I cannot seem to attack with my Spawn anymore when the Moth enters the battle. I die no matter what due to the flying speed advantage. I need luck with the Slicing wind RNG in order to finish off with Surge. (edited)


написал на 2022-12-24 06:34:47

This worked on the second try. This was the only strat I could get to work after many failed attempts. I really hate that moth. Thanks a ton!


написал на 2022-11-04 10:09:27

Ty my spawn of g'nathus soloed this fight with 2 1 1

DF pre patch


написал на 2020-07-03 12:57:19

Thanks for the strat! Used this script:



написал на 2021-03-27 11:10:13

worked for me, thank you


написал на 2021-03-18 14:56:31

Solo'ed with the Spawn of G'nasty, following his order of moves.

Ashiko написал на 2020-05-22 13:06:34

You can solo this with H/P Inland Croaker (2/1/1), I used P/P Emperor Crab (2/-/-) and S/S Hermit Crab (2/-/-) for back up and brought in the Hermit Crab to clean up when Croaker got crit or slept by Moth Dust.

Against Breezy Book:
1. Ice Tomb
2. Blizzard
3. Ice Lance (Breezy Book is hit by Ice Tomb & stunned)
4. Ice Lance (Will hit Helpful Spirit)

Helpful Spirit Comes in
1. Ice Lance
2. Blizzard
3. Ice Lance until Undead round
4. Ice Tomb in Undead round

Breezy Book comes back in
1. Ice Lance (Breezy Book dies)

Delicate Moth comes in - you might die to a crit or get slept but your backline pets should have decent HP left, mine had ~1000hp
1. Blizzard (Delicate Moth is hit by Ice Tomb & stunned)
2. Ice Lance (Delicate Moth dies)

If Croaker died or got slept I brought in Hermit Crab to Fish Slap until Delicate Moth died.


написал на 2020-05-23 05:51:12

Top Notch, worked with first frog...TY


написал на 2020-10-29 21:04:39

This worked for me in SL pre-patch without even using the last pet. Thanks!


написал на 2021-01-19 04:38:47

It didn't quite go down the way you said, turn 3 killed the Book, so had to 2x Ice Lance Spirit then Blizzard, launched Ice Tomb in undead phase before curse killed the Croaker, brought in the Crab to try and bubble but it was one shotted, he counter spelled my crab but Ice Tomb landed and 2 Surges finished it, another round and I would have lost.


написал на 2020-11-12 19:35:28

Works well Shadowlands Prepatch.


написал на 2020-10-18 11:33:21

Worked well for me!

Hulduet написал на 2020-10-11 16:27:13

Seems to have some rng involved every other pet figh(for all types) worked great except this one. Be warned you might need to redo this if you get unlucky.


написал на 2020-05-22 14:51:47

I tried this over and over again with no success. Finally beat it using Spawn of G'nathus, Skittering Eel using same strat as spawn and finished up with the Emperor Crab.


написал на 2018-11-11 11:14:23

I seem to be having trouble with the team up. My Spawn ends up dying with the ghost. After that I end up losing with the moth 1 shooting each of my crabs.

Is there a specific breed that anyone is actually using and finding success with?


написал на 2019-08-18 14:00:04

My Spawn of G'Nathus has 289 speed and destroyed 2.5 pets.


написал на 2020-05-22 13:37:57

worked fine for me 1st time....think it's important to choose H/H crabs to survive the backline dameage


написал на 2018-10-06 10:16:24

Works perfectly from 1st try!

Narothen написал на 2018-04-06 16:27:47

I didn't have Strand Crab fully leveled so I used Mud Jumper (2,2,1) and Benax (2,2,1) instead 'cause my Emperor Crab didn't stand a chance: just bubble first and then tongue lash with your Mud Jumper, do the same with Benax/another Mud Jumper and you should be fine!

Emerald написал на 2017-12-31 23:43:23

Best strat!

Zarria написал на 2017-10-17 07:07:35

Definitely main strategy.

Anonymous написал на 2017-07-16 05:46:20

I used this strat because of so many negative comments for the first one. This worked great first time, no problems only needed the one crab.

Anonymous написал на 2017-06-05 19:06:14

Worked great the first try. Thank you so much!

daedelusikarius написал на 2017-05-17 08:41:08

this should be the main strategy... the other one is very very low success. this worked on the first try

Anonymous написал на 2017-03-15 15:58:10

Alt two should be the first one. Worked right away./

adeliza написал на 2017-03-12 09:16:25

This one worked first time for me, had issues with alternative 1 but this one was excellent, had 2 pest left alive at the end.

Raemara написал на 2017-03-05 16:02:05

My crabs weren't effective after several tries, so I used Spawn of Gnathus as listed above and Gulp Froglet as my 2nd pet (1,2,1) - Toxic Skin, Swarm & Water Jet. Didn't need the 3rd pet (Emperor Crab). I really appreciate all of the tips on XuFu Strategies. Thank you.

Ignisis написал на 2017-03-05 15:41:23

gnatus owned the first 2 pets and died at the moth i used a wirlpool with one crab and finished it off with arcane slash from moonshell crab

Anonymous написал на 2016-12-15 15:56:43

This strat didn't work every time I tried it. Moth owned the crabs.

GreySage написал на 2017-03-05 13:26:50

Yeah, this is a bad idea

cdhstarz написал на 2017-03-02 06:02:25

Spirebound Crab (also 2,1,1) is a good fill in for either crab in "alternative 2" strategy as they have the same move set. Just in case you don't have one of them leveled (like I don't apparently).

Anonymous написал на 2017-01-09 17:30:08

Much better than Strat 1 - This one took 2 tries and the Moth went down, Success! Thanks.

Girlfriendmd написал на 2017-01-09 11:13:05

The 2nd alternative, with Spawn of Gnathus, almost doesn't require a 3rd pet. Excellent help, thanks.

Tiaris написал на 2016-10-20 14:47:32

It is very important to cast all 3 Thunderbolts before Spirit dies. A very good pet here is civet with survival+surge to use on moth during turns 1+2 if your Spawn dies before Spirit.

Drakuul написал на 2016-10-19 21:26:25

Quest npc not there is it under the world ?? or in a tree? Its phased cant be completed by some of us.


написал на 2016-10-19 23:04:17

There have been several comments on the forums from people who can't find the pets when the quest is up. Nobody is sure if that's because they're being hunted by people on the quest or something about phasing.

I know I did it one day and the only one of something I could find after half an hour was actually inside a building where I couldn't see it. I got at it by using a /tar command and binding my Interact key to start the battle.

I resolved never to do that quest again!

(OP) Aranesh

написал на 2016-10-20 13:02:26

Definitely a super annoying quest because the pets seem to spawn slowly, and many people hunt them while the quest is active. If you want to look for other locations, check the wowhead links :-)

Voodoou написал на 2016-10-20 12:55:31

great strat, my Spawn didnt live that long but shell shield + renewing mist from the first crab allowed it to live long enough to make the second crab able to surge the moth down.

Anonymous написал на 2016-10-19 17:43:29

Not sure why but I have these pets and 3rd is almost 1900 this strat demolishes my pets. Not working.


написал на 2016-10-19 21:15:28

I actually tested this one last time Merayl was up a few days ago. I don't exactly remember the numbers, but I reckoned it was about 75% strat. If your Spawn gets off all three Thunderbolts and the Jolt on the moth, one Surge will finish the battle. However, if a crit by Merayl kills your Spawn too early, you will be left with two aquatics half-dead from AoE facing a moth with its racial still up.

It definitely does work most of the time. I won 5 out of 6 attempts. But like many of the Family Familiar strategies, it's too close for guarantees.

Anonymous написал на 2016-10-16 16:51:27

Excellent strat. Thanks!

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