
Используем Rematch + TD Scripts

Поскольку я считаю, что эти аддоны могут быть большим подспорьем (в особенности для повторяющихся боев) и поскольку для многих их настройка является не самой понятной и очевидной, я покажу вам в этом небольшом руководстве как легко это сделать.

В дальнейшем планируется отдельная статья о функционале и использовании каждого аддона по отдельности. А здесь мы поговорим о том, как легко использовать связку из аддонов Rematch + TD Script.
Если вы хотите научиться писать TD Scripts можете нажать по этой ссылке и ознакомиться с руководством по этой теме: Writing TD Scripts.

1. Необходимые аддоны

Pet Battle Scripts

Также вам понадобится ресурс, где собраны стратегии и скрипты для боев.
К счастью, тот где вы сейчас находитесь, создан именно для этой задачи.
Каждая тактика автоматически предлагает код для импорта в Rematch, а помеченные соответствующим тегом также имеют TD Script.
Совет: если на странице команды нет кнопки со скриптом, велика вероятность что кто-то мог поделиться им в комментариях.

2. Импорт команды в Rematch

1. Откройте журнал питомцев в игре. В правой части окна вы увидите вкладки (их количество и названия также можно редактировать). Правый клик по вкладке куда вы хотите добавить команду.
2. Выберите "Импортировать команды"
3. Откроется окно в которое нужно поместить код Rematch

3. Получаем код импорта команды с Xu-Fu

1. Находим желаемую стратегию на сайте http://wow-petguide.com/.
2. Нажимаем на кнопку "Rematch код"
3. Вставляете в ранее открытое окно импорта кода в игре
4. Нажимаете "Сохранить"

4. Импорт TD Script

1. Правый клик по ранее сохраненной команде
2. Выбираем пункт "написать скрипт"
3. Открывается окно где вы можете написать, либо вставить скопированный скрипт.

5. Получаем скрипт для импорта с Xu-Fu

1. Выберите желаемую стратегию на сайте http://wow-petguide.com/
2. Нажмите кнопку "TD script"
3. Вставляете в ранее открытое окно импорта кода в игре
4. Нажимаете "Сохранить"


Теперь, при запуске соответствующего сражения питомцев, у вас отобразится и будет активна новая кнопка, по умолчанию назначенная на клавишу "А" (можно переназначить по своему вкусу в настройках аддона TD Script). Все что вам нужно делать - жмите эту кнопку каждый ход, остальное аддоны сделают за вас.

Tx92 написал на 2024-04-27 04:58:45

Hi all, has something happened since the 10.2.6 as i can no longer write scripts for my pet teams. I have both the Rematch and Pet Battle Scripts addons installed but when i right click a team the 'Write Script' option isnt available.


написал на 2024-04-20 18:19:14

I just saw the mass export for Rematch. Anyway to also mass export the Scripts too? Great site, btw. Love everything about it and this system :) (edited)


написал на 2024-04-20 19:02:47

Unfortunately, it does not ^^'


написал на 2022-05-27 00:24:42

how do you change the A for auto key to a different key?


написал на 2022-05-27 15:10:04

Someone already answered you on the Discord, but in case anyone else is wondering:

Hit Escape > Interface > Addons tab > tdPetBattleScript > General tab. The keybind option is near the bottom.


написал на 2022-11-12 19:31:11

The System and Interface buttons have since been combined into a single button, Options. The rest of the instructions are unchanged.


написал на 2024-03-24 10:31:45

Dragonflight changed this to:
Escape (? on micro toolbar) > Options > click on Addon Tab > Pet Battle Scripts (TD Scripts was abandoned several expacs ago) > change the AutoBattle Hot Key from A to e.g. Space Bar


написал на 2024-02-10 23:27:40

I used to be able to have the script open when in a pet battle so that I could just follow along. No matter what I try now though, whenever I start battle, the script disappears and I have to keep going back to the webpage to follow along there. Is anyone else experiencing this or am I doing something wrong? I have up to date versions of both addons


написал на 2023-12-15 03:04:52

Is it intentional that I have to click the Autobattle button (or A key) every single turn? Maybe some limitation that Blizzard forced on the developers so that people can't pet battle without being at the computer for the entire thing?

I was hoping the addon would run the entire battle for me, start to finish, and I could watch or read something else while that was happening. It would make power leveling more eenjoyable (especially the Squirt battle).


написал на 2023-12-15 15:18:10

Hey! That is indeed a limitation by Blizzard. Their anti-botting philosophy is that every ingame action requires a player input. The addon is (still?) allowed to take over which action is being done, but it can't work around needing a keyboard press for each of them.

What you can do is bind the action key somewhere else, like your mousewheel, and just spin it. As close to automating as it gets :D


написал на 2023-12-08 14:10:49

Pet Battle v 10.2 / Rematch 10.2 managed to import the team fine but there is no "Write Script" button (auto button is grey but not surprised as it wont let me write scripts) any suggestions?


написал на 2023-12-11 01:46:42

I just right click on the team and select "Edit Script"


написал на 2023-12-12 13:15:48

Got it working, looks like i had both the new pet battle scripts and the old tdbattlescripts and they were conflicting somehow


написал на 2023-12-13 00:59:45

Ohhhh that could also be it, hehe. Glad to know it's working!


написал на 2023-11-21 04:47:28

I was having problem with the scripts too. First they didn't save (a message of something write wrong) then the auto buttom just became inactive and finally I didn't have the option to write scripts anymore. I downgraded Rematch to version 4.15.4 and using tdBatleScript with v. 1.9.1. It is now functioning again!!!


написал на 2023-11-09 20:24:16

The latest Rematch V 5 is way different from the pervious version, I have not been able to find how to re add the scripts that appear to be missing, got so frustrated with it, I've gone back to the previous version which work a treat. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.


написал на 2023-11-12 11:08:36

i have also problems. unfortunally, i removed the note where they offered a solution for problems


написал на 2023-10-20 17:51:25

Hi there, I am still having problems with the Autobattle button. I have deleted and uninstalled all my Pet Battle addons and then installed Rematch and Pet Battle Scripts. I have copied the suggested script for the fight from this site and everything looks fine, but when I go into the battle, the Autobattle button is still grey. Does anyone have any ideas, please?


написал на 2023-11-01 21:15:16

Happening to me as well, so not just you =0) -- although my button's not greyed now that i reread your comment, mines just not doing anything when i press it (edited)


написал на 2022-12-01 14:51:40

I have Pet Battle scrips and rematch and still cant get my auto key to work


написал на 2022-12-01 22:25:24

same. even reinstalled everything


написал на 2022-12-04 09:28:40

Same here, still not working. Any fixes soon?


написал на 2022-12-07 18:55:18

td scripts is out of date and we waiting on author to update it till then we need to manual do battles


написал на 2022-12-09 16:00:18

not work for me too... importing team, ok! but importing battle script not =(


написал на 2022-12-10 16:42:46

rematch updated yesterday fyi


написал на 2022-12-16 15:55:58

Pet Battle Scripts keybind stays greyed out even when I change it to another key in options. Rematch is updated to the latest version.


написал на 2022-12-16 22:44:58

same for me


написал на 2022-12-19 18:29:46

Checking in to see if there is a work around for getting the Auto button to work?


написал на 2022-12-20 19:01:12

I have been using Pet Battle Scripts without any issues since switching from the abandoned tdBattlePetScript addon. I am not sure what to tell you beyond checking that there is no addon interference causing PBS / Rematch to not function as intended.


написал на 2022-12-23 16:39:50

The Auto button doesn't work even when Pet Battle Scripts and Rematch are the only addons enabled.


написал на 2023-01-28 20:02:48

still not working


написал на 2023-02-04 01:40:37

Works for me. I have rematch and Pet Battle Scripts addons.


написал на 2023-02-06 18:20:38

We are talking about Auto button. If the Auto button is working for you could you please post the addon versions you are using. Everyone posting here is not saying that Rematch and Pet Battle script are not working, we are saying the AUTO BUTTON does not work. Rematch is fine and the script displays fine so we can do it manually. The issue is the AUTO BUTTON not working. (edited)


написал на 2023-02-06 23:14:23

I have v1.5 for PBS and v4.14.13 for Rematch, if that helps any. (I'm the one not experiencing the issue.) (edited)


написал на 2023-02-07 08:45:52

Mine was v4.14.13 and v1.5 as well. Assume that you still need to press a key to push the "auto" button instead of let the addon play everything for you, correct?


написал на 2023-04-25 07:08:05

I see this topic has not been updated in months but for anyone having this issue...
The addons alone do not make the auto button work. You must create a team and then add the script to that team. Then load the team when you do the fight and then it should work. You have to pick a team that you have the pets for as well so you may have to collect and level up many pets to have options for every battle.
There is more info on this site about building teams and adding the scripts for each specific pet battle and it helps a lot if you log into your battle.net account and it sees your pets and it can suggest the best for you.


написал на 2023-05-06 00:38:40

I'm aware of how it works, It used to work for me and now it does not since Dragonflight. I have teams imported for every expansion and have been using rematch and battle scripts for years. There must be a conflict with another addon because no matter what I do, the auto button will not work. I have just been doing the fights by hand.


написал на 2023-06-07 01:17:31

Be sure to remove the old "tdBattlePetScript_Rematch" addon folder, as the new "Pet Battle Scripts" addon uses only the tdBattlePetScript folder.

I noticed a few months ago that if you attempt to just install the new addon over the old one, the old code in the "tdBattlePetScript_Rematch" folder will remain and you'll end up with strange conflicts. I don't know if the old Rematch showed up as a separate addon that can be disabled, so I'd say it'd be best to remove it to be sure it doesn't load.


написал на 2023-01-04 13:13:18

I am now getting this error on any TD script import: "Found error: Invalid Condition: 'self(#2).active' (Not found cmd 'self.active')

Seems it was reported, but I've found no help in getting it fixed. Can anyone point me in a direction? TIA



написал на 2023-01-12 20:57:59

TDBattlePetScript and TDBattlePetScript Rematch were abbandoned, so another person created a fork for 10.0 that replaced them Check "Pet Battle Scripts" addon:



написал на 2023-01-06 00:33:54

Same I have an error in the script I can't make them work


написал на 2023-01-12 09:30:13

I had the same error. Go to Curseforge, search for Pet Battle scripts. it will tell you how to fix this


написал на 2022-12-28 14:47:58

Does the Auto button happen to work with the new Press and Hold casting? I doubt it, as it doesn't work with macros, but figured I would double check! TIA (edit: wording) (edited)


написал на 2022-12-12 22:05:26

with the tdbattlescript and battlescript rematch not being updated, is there any other options ?


написал на 2022-12-09 23:18:45

Rematch is sometimes conflicts with heartstones and has to be turned off

Texman написал на 2022-10-26 20:00:46

Looks like v10 pre patch has broken these addons. Any idea if they will be updated?


написал на 2022-10-27 22:08:50

Yes they will, see this comment on main page https://www.wow-petguide.com/Comment/111524


написал на 2022-11-12 12:06:04

It looks like a fork exists since the original two haven't been updated in 2 years



написал на 2022-09-10 04:48:27

To those who are trying to transfer all of your tdscripts from one computer to another, here is the way that worked 100% for me. We will reference Computer A as the computer with the scripts and Computer B as the computer we're trying to transfer the scripts to. I would like to mention that simply copying the tdBattlePetScript, tdBattlePetScript_Rematch and Rematch folders from your WoW/_retail_/Interface/AddOns folder from Computer A to Computer B does not always work. Try it and if it works for you, then congratulations! If not, continue reading.

Assuming your UI is the stock UI from the Rematch addon, open WoW and when you are in game, press the SHIFT + P buttons to open your Pet Journal. On the right-hand side of your teams should be the icons for each of your teams (there will be the teams that show the three pets within the team and we’re looking just to the right of that – the team tabs on the far right of the pet journal). Right-click the tab and an options menu will come up – it should give options like “Edit Tab, Custom Sort, Sort By Wins, Leveling Preferences, etc.” Left-click the “Export Tab” option, which will bring up the string that you’ll use later on to import everything into Computer B.

Open a Word or notepad document, copy (CTRL + C) the string in game and paste (CTRL + V) to the document (CTRL + V). Save that document to a thumb drive or SD card - I labeled mine “Pet Strings” to make it easy on myself. You’re done with Computer A. On Computer B, insert your thumb drive or SD card, and open the document with your string. Copy (CTRL + C) the entire string. With WoW open and being in game, press the SHIFT + P buttons to open your Pet Journal. On the right-hand side of your teams (which should be empty), there will be a “+” tab. Click it. Choose your icon and name for the tab (at this point it doesn’t matter – we’ll get into naming it later,” then click “Save.” On the tab you just created, right-click the tab and select the “Import Teams” option, then paste (CTRL + V) your string, then click “Save.” Almost done! Lastly, we want to change the name of the tab, so right-click the same tab once again, and click “Edit Tab,” then name it whatever you like, then click “Save.”

You’re done! You can do this method with all teams you may have saved.

Now for the kicker - if you had written any scripts for any of your teams, unfortunately those do not transfer over and will need to either be manually written again or you can simply find the the appropriate script needed here on Xu-Fu's Pet Battle Strategies.

I hope this helps everyone! I love you all.
(if you're interested in helping me out, toss me a follow on instagram - vinnieparma. Thanks guys!) (edited)

Unsainted написал на 2020-10-25 19:11:33

I have around 100+ teams/scripts on my laptop, is there a way to transfer them all at once to my desktop?


написал на 2020-11-04 10:29:12

Copy the tdBattlePetScript, tdBattlePetScript_Rematch and Rematch folders from your WoW/_retail_/Interface/AddOns folder from the laptop to your desktop. Make sure WoW is not running when you do this.

File path may vary depending on OS and if you've logged into more than one WoW/Blizz account on that machine. (edited)


написал на 2021-01-28 21:42:15

Has not worked for me, unfortunately.
I've transfered both Interface and WTF folders to a new computer. I've got Rematch teams ok, [-- but no corresponding tsBS scripts (Auto is greyed out). :) --]

Strike that: most of the scripts copied ok. Some did not, but I may not have them in the 1st place ;)

Too bad: I have 5 dungeons scripts to re-create ;( (edited)


написал на 2022-08-12 08:38:35

Bit of a necro post, but don't forget to copy over your saved variables.


написал на 2022-03-26 18:38:10

Scrips dont work


написал на 2022-02-03 22:17:14

First I would like to say where has this been!? Everyone should know about this!

Thank you for your recommend pet battle addons and this page for the steps. I love how easy this has made pet battling trainers. <3


написал на 2021-11-22 01:14:40

Hi... i cant copy anything with Ctrl + V
I have the script copied, but then when i hit, Ctrl + V nothing is pasted


написал на 2021-10-12 13:03:49

Any word if someone is going to pick up tdBattlePetScript and tdBattlePetScript Rematch and update it to 9.1.0? It's like a year since it's been updated


написал на 2021-09-11 13:01:12

I'm new to this, and having trouble importing the match string. When I paste it into the Import Team Window, I get the following message "String could not be loaded. Make sure your browser has JavaScript active, use a different browser or try again later."
I googled and didn't find much help. I have JavaScript active on my computer. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


написал на 2021-05-02 07:51:23

I followed all the steps in this guide, but when ever I press my button to run the script whilst in battle it does nothing. Does anybody know how to fix this??

Fuhenhenka написал на 2021-07-11 15:00:34

Is it possible you didn't import both strings? (Rematch String AND TD Script String, both on the same page at wow-petguide.com.) I accidentally only imported the Rematch String and the "Auto" button was greyed out, my big clue that I dun goof'd


написал на 2021-05-22 14:22:22

In case anyone was struggling to figure this out, "a" (for auto) can be used to activate the next step of the script instead of clicking on it with a mouse. The "A" on the auto button looked like a ^ to me, not an A. Took me few days to figure that out.


написал на 2020-11-25 16:21:03

As of 11/25/2020 no "write script" on Rematch addon anymore. It's a fresh install because I just got a new SSD. Any chance we can update rematch?


написал на 2020-12-03 08:33:16

Same trouble here, any idea?


написал на 2021-01-24 20:44:52

I checked and both Rematch and both scripts had been disabled. I re enabled them. Still no go. In the end I figured out I had to write click the TEAM (not the button on the right) to get the Write Script menu. I think the image wasn't that clear or I'm just not very bright :P

Astara написал на 2021-02-11 21:19:39

I had to re-enable the tdBattlePetScript and tdBattlePetScriptRematch addons (esc, Addons, then check them on Addon List) in order to make it work - somehow they were disabled, even though I was able to import a team. Only then could I right-click the team to get the correct menu with Write Script on it.

Rokeras написал на 2021-02-11 10:30:34

Can't wait for the day this thing to be released as 1 simple addon.


написал на 2021-01-11 11:29:57

This is maybe a stupid clarification but you need to do BOTH the imports - I thought initially it was just two different options but one is to import the team and one is to import the actual moves that let you auto. I don't know why I couldnt figure this out but that's what confused me and why my Auto button was greyed out at first


написал на 2020-12-23 21:27:55

I have followed the guide as well, I can pull up the window with the strategy (Before I start a fight). The "V" window, when it comes up, shows all four possible sources (Grayed out but usable) but when I open a window for any of them it is empty. I have never had the Auto or "A" button lit up for use. It is always grayed out and disabled.

Not sure what to do to fix. Looked all the places I can think of online.


написал на 2020-12-03 15:10:06

Hello, I followed the guide, everything looked fine, but when I'm in pet battle and press A (or click Auto button) it just skips my turn, doing nothing. tried it with more battles and still the same result T_T


написал на 2020-11-04 23:48:35

hi all, some one know where can i update: "the tdBattlePetScript Rematch "


написал на 2020-10-19 05:36:05

worked! Uninstall both tdbattlepetscript addons, AND rematch. Reinstall. Happy!


написал на 2020-10-16 17:47:43

Had this working last night with the temp fix from github, today Curse updated it and now I dont even see the option to write script. Did a manual reinstall of Rematch and tdscript but nada. Weird. Update on 10/28 >> installed the just released update for tdscript, still didnt work. Clean reinstalled Rematch and both tdscript + tdscript rematch = working now. (edited)


написал на 2020-10-17 14:12:40

the same thing :(

Xayida написал на 2020-10-15 16:00:45

If i press write script now, it doesn't open the window. Could did be because the addon is not updated too 9.0?

Joebiden написал на 2020-10-15 17:53:30

Same for me... so sad


написал на 2020-10-15 18:20:56

On Discord, Super posted this a few hours ago:

Temporary Fix for TD Battle Pet Script Addon
1. Download link below
2. Find tdBattlePetScript in your addons folder, delete everything in it
3. Drag everything from the zip into the tdBattlePetScript folder
4. Do a /reload ingame
I will be trying to get this onto Curse ASAP!

I don't know what it's a fix for, exactly, but it might be an improvement on whatever you've got.


написал на 2020-10-15 20:42:19

Thank you!!!!

Joebiden написал на 2020-10-16 05:05:25

Went to work after commenting, came back and found a solution. This really is the best community for WoW. Thank you so much!


написал на 2020-10-16 15:30:19

Worked!!!! Thank you so much, I love your add-on, makes battles so much easier


написал на 2020-10-01 13:09:48

I just had to delete all my addons due to an achievement issue. Didn't fix it btw. :( However, I lost all of my teams and I had a ton! Is there any way to get that data back so i dont have to go back in redo them all one by one?


написал на 2020-10-01 14:00:00


You will have a directory

World of Warcraft_retail_WTFAccount999999999#1SavedVariables

(where 99999999 will be some number unique to you)

That is where your addons store their data.

If you just delete your addon, your data will be there when you reinstall your addon.

If you deleted your WTF folder without taking a backup when you were trying to fix your problem, that doesn't help you, but if you moved or renamed it instead, as Blizzard recommend, the files you need should be in that copy.

The files you will want will be Rematch.lua and tdScript.lua

Even if you don't find those, you might find Rematch.lua.bak and tdScript.lua.bak somewhere, and those should be the last ones you had before your last .lua files. (edited)


написал на 2020-10-01 17:39:49

ok ill try that thank you!

Faelyanna написал на 2020-09-17 08:25:51

The rematch auto button is not showing up for me. Am I doing something wrong, or is this a known bug? I'm in Gnomeregon dungeon. I realize now that I didn't write the TD script. I only imported the team. Now, the issue I have, when I right click the team there is no option to write script. (edited)


написал на 2020-09-14 12:34:15

Hello, i seem to have a problem with, I suppose, TD script. My action button to use this script is greyed, and i cannot use it. I stricltly followed the guide, first imported Rematch string and team, then imported the TD string, there is the button, with "A" on it - every fight, but it is grey and non-usable. Could other addons interact badly with Rematch and TD? I also use PetTracker and Pet Journal Enhanced. Thank you for any advice.


написал на 2020-08-29 16:30:18

I know they have Rematch working in Shadowlands Beta, but anyone know if they are going to work on this working too? Need testers? I am willing to help, but it's not working at all at the moment.


написал на 2020-08-29 16:50:09

it's a work in progress. soon(tm) (edited)


написал на 2020-08-29 17:56:47

Awesome, Thanks for the info...


написал на 2020-08-25 23:23:13

How do you submit a TD script for an already published team?


написал на 2020-08-26 01:24:08

Most people just post them in the comments, where they may get tested and taken up by the creator or a curator.

knight85 написал на 2020-08-01 08:07:28

Is there any way to set it up so that the team notes window opens automatically for a team when you select them


написал на 2020-08-06 18:55:10

Yes, there is an option in the settings that will automatically open the team notes...maybe under teams...? I can't remember exactly where but i changed it to open my notes during battle


написал на 2020-02-29 04:21:21

Hi, thanks for the wonderful guide! Can you tell me what addon you are using to show "1" and "2" on the pet abilities?


написал на 2020-02-29 05:47:06

that comes from Rematch. if you got that installed go to the options>appearance options>show ability numbers+on loaded abilities too


написал на 2019-11-18 21:36:46

First of all, I want to thank you for an awesome addon....I love it... My issue, the last 2 days my auto button is grayed out when I try to use on any teams I have saved and used and also with any new ones that I try to make....I have deleted and reinstalled the addon, reset my ui and so am hoping someone might have a suggestion? Thank you


написал на 2020-02-25 15:11:16

"Once you've imported the Rematch script and have the team saved, you need to also import the TD script (steps 4 and 5 on this page) to allow for automation. The Rematch string imports the team, and the TD script does the automation."

Above is quoted from a response to the same question... I am just responding for folks like me who came to this comment section from a search on Google.

Shakesbeer написал на 2019-07-19 09:05:14

How do I transfer td script to another PC? so far I can only export team info in Rematch


написал на 2020-01-21 03:25:27

It's 2020 now and I'm suffering from the same problem. I deviate between a couple different computers and when I exported all my teams, none of the scripts came with them.

Update: I did the same thing again the next day and most of the scripts transferred but not all of them. Strange... (edited)


написал на 2019-12-14 11:28:06

Hello. Thank you so much for all of the information gathered here. I'm grateful ! I'm having an issue copying /pasting the Rematch String. I've been doing this for years so I'm familiar with the process...however, when I try to paste it simply says "placeholder" the string does not paste into the import box. Am I doing something wrong ?


написал на 2019-12-14 14:41:32

I'll look into that, sounds like a bug! Thanks for flagging it :-)


написал на 2019-12-14 14:52:40

Actually, it looks like it's working fine for me. Can you please link me the exact strategy where this is happening? (If it's multiple ones, one is fine). And can you please tell me if you use a Mac or a PC - and which browser you use?

Ivoire написал на 2019-11-13 09:05:22

First and foremost, Thanks for this amazing addon.
Recently (past 2 days) I've been facing an issue I never encounter before.
While exporting a team with the rematch string button, then importing it in Rematch, the team that appears in Rematch is different from the one selected.
Did reinstall Rematch, both TdPet Battle, removed all WTF data prior to that, reset browser (Opera, Chrome...), and still facing same problem.
Not sure if one of other addon did broke something or a wow patch did a mess ?

Anyone else facing this ?

Ex. Importing Pearlhusk Crawler first strat
Baa'l 1 2 *
Mechanical Pandaren * * 1
Chrominius * 1 2


Baa'l 1 2 * Correct
Rebuilt Mechanical Spider * * 1 Error
Chrominius * 1 2 Correct

It seems it bugs when there is substitute pet available in the strat.
Also when using right / left arrow to visualize the substitute, no pet picture changing

String imported is :
Pearlhusk Crawler:4N92:120029G:00102G5:0120140:N:Strategy added by SpruceOPnQuick strat. Chrominius is used as insurance. nnTurn 1: Murder the InnocentnTurn 2: ShadowflamenTurn 3: ShadowflamenTurn 4: ShadowflamenTurn 5: Murder the InnocentnTurn 6: ShadowflamenTurn 7: PassnBring in your Mechanical Pandaren DragonlingnTurn 1: Exploden

No idea how to check what pets ( I suppose) are behind 4N92:120029G:00102G5:0120140:N (edited)


написал на 2019-11-14 09:54:06

Hey! I'm looking into this right now and will fix it asap!


написал на 2019-11-16 00:27:46

Seems you did magic, again.
Mate, great work, great site, amazing attitude toward the community


написал на 2019-11-16 03:51:51

Thank you very much :D

Anon написал на 2019-06-13 07:17:58

I have been having some trouble getting credit for the daily quest. Does the rematch or script addon interfere with getting credit for the quest?


написал на 2019-06-14 04:54:30

Never heard of this, but quests not completing sometimes has been around for quite a while. Might just have been bad luck


написал на 2019-08-22 22:25:08

Had the same issue recently at pet menagerie. Had to abandon quest and could not complete til after weekly reset. (edited)

Zingi написал на 2019-07-17 19:30:53

Where do rematch and TD scripts get saved in the addon folders? my PC occasionally wipes all my in game settings and it wipes my saved teams as well - so wondering how i can try to make a backup


написал на 2019-07-17 20:51:31

Your Rematch settings and teams are saved in a file rematch.lua in

World of Warcraft_retail_WTFAccount999999999#1SavedVariables

where "9999999999" will be a different number for you.

If your WoW crashes, it can overwrite your settings files. However, there is usually a file Rematch.lua.bak saved as a backup in that directory, just in case. Renaming that to Rematch.lua will bring your teams back, if it hasn't been overwritten by you saving over it after the crash.

However, you can also export your Teams from Rematch to a plain-text file and mail that to yourself. You can then Import some or all of those again if necessary. Open Rematch, open your Teams tab, and right-click on the Teams button on the top right-hand side. Backup All teams will create a single file of everything for you to copy.

I would not use tdScript myself, so I don't know about that, but I suspect it has a similarly named file in the same directoy. (edited)


написал на 2019-08-22 22:23:39

Easiest way is to just copy/back up your WTF folder periodically. This serves multiple purposes at once.


написал на 2019-06-26 02:06:39

Just FYI; it looks like the link to "Writing TD Scripts" is broken (at least for me). It's missing the colon after the https. The following link works:


написал на 2019-08-16 00:32:37

Still broken, so thank you for providing the correct URL.


написал на 2019-08-16 02:57:57

thanks, fixed it

Adan написал на 2019-04-27 23:52:16

Any ideas, when I am in a pet-battle, as to why my "Auto" button would be greyed out and un-clickable? Using the rematch script, FYI.


написал на 2019-05-23 01:56:30

Once you've imported the Rematch script and have the team saved, you need to also import the TD script (steps 4 and 5 on this page) to allow for automation. The Rematch string imports the team, and the TD script does the automation.


написал на 2019-05-13 19:25:28

Thanks so much for this! I've been half heartedly trying to work out how to use the battlescripts for ages! It all makes sense now. :)


написал на 2019-04-18 12:54:08

Thank-you for this article! I was tired of looking for, copying and pasting TD Scripts every time I wanted to use one and then I found this. At first it seems complicated but after you go through the steps, it's easy and so worth it versus what I was doing!


написал на 2019-04-18 15:15:46

That makes me very happy, that's exactly what we did it for. Thank you for the feedback.

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