
Les dompteurs de mascottes de Draenor


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Dernière mise à jour 2023-03-30

Vous trouverez sur Draenor un dompteur de mascottes dans chaque région. Il y a un total de six dompteurs de mascottes que vous pouvez combattre tous les jours.

Nous vous recommandons chaudement d'affronter Ashlei régulièrement, car ce combat est extrêmement rapide et très facile. Vous pouvez y apporter non pas une, mais deux mascottes de bas niveau qui gagneront énormément d'expérience sans effort. Cerise sur le gâteau : les deux mascottes peuvent être de niveau un ! Il n’y a pas beaucoup d’options dans WoW pour faire gagner beaucoup d'expérience rapidement à deux mascottes de niveau un en même temps alors profitez-en !
Xu-Fu peut scanner cette section afin de déterminer les stratégies les plus adaptées à vos préférences, et lister les mascottes requises.
En fonction du nombre de combats dans la section, l'exécution du scan peut durer jusqu'à une minute.


rédigé le 2023-07-30 17:49:32

Updating for the Draenor Master Tamer list TomTom Commands with Macro Toolkit.
/way Shadowmoon Valley:Draenor 50.03 31.25 Ashlei
/way Gorgrond 51 70.6 Cymre Brightblade
/way Frostfire Ridge 68.6 64.5 Gargra
/way Talador 49.10 80.36 Taralune
/way Nagrand:Draenor 56.23 9.81 Tarr the Terrible
/way Spires of Arak 46.29 45.32 Vesharr


rédigé le 2021-10-18 04:43:14

Patch 9.1 TomTom coordinates for all six Draenor Master Tamers using Wowhead map pins and zone numbers (eliminates the need to differentiate between Outland and Draenor). Can use anywhere in the game. No need to be in the same zone or on the same continent.

/way #539 50.0 31.2 Ashlei
/way #542 46.4 45.2 Vesharr
/way #535 49.0 80.4 Taralune
/way #550 56.2 9.8 Tarr the Terrible
/way #525 68.6 64.6 Gargra
/way #543 51.0 70.6 Cymre Brightblade


rédigé le 2023-07-03 19:49:00

You're the best, thank you. =)


rédigé le 2022-05-27 22:54:11

has anyone defeated Kura thunderhoof? i cant find here in this app and i need help to decide what pets i need to do


rédigé le 2022-05-28 06:16:43

The Kura strats are under The Pet Menagerie section here:


rédigé le 2022-05-27 22:54:35

Also love your guide.


rédigé le 2021-10-30 10:36:59

I leave a toon camped out at Ashlei. (I have lots of alts so np, lol. I have leveled several alts to max level just by doing this. You get exp from both the fight and the daily) It is crazy easy and the best way in the game, as far as I am concerned, to level my battle babies <3


rédigé le 2020-09-25 15:34:58

Most of the strategies against Cymre could use tweaking. I believe they were before changes and outdated, did some tweaks to accommodate rebirth and lantern's powerful attacks ,which 2-3 shotted every recommended pet, in order to win.

Blue rédigé le 2020-12-25 15:50:07

What did you use to 'tweak'?

Wouldy rédigé le 2016-11-08 11:14:31

I keep going back to this daily to copy from wowhead and Paste in the game (making a macro today, posting here for one stop shop for others):

/way Shadowmoon Valley:Draenor 50.0 31.2 Ashlei
/way Gorgrond 51.0 70.6 Cymre Brightblade
/way Frostfire Ridge 68.6 64.6 Gargra
/way Talador 49.0 80.4 Taralune
/way Nagrand:Draenor 56.2 9.8 Tarr the Terrible
/way Spires of Arak 46.2 45.4 Vesharr

Macgam rédigé le 2017-01-04 17:41:17

lol just remade this added /cway at the end.


rédigé le 2018-10-22 22:54:20

The addon HandyNotes PetDailies is very useful. It has icons and waypoints for the Tanaan Jungle daily quests as well. Also goes well with TomTom addon.



rédigé le 2018-09-24 19:46:30

As of late (not sure when it started), but the /way for Ashlei and Tarr aren't working. The following does NOT work:

/way Shadowmoon Valley:Draenor 50 31 Ashlei
/way Nagrand:Draenor 56.2 9.8 Tarr the Terrible

All other trainers work fine. The above two want to source to Outland.


rédigé le 2018-09-24 20:30:38

I should add that I realize that this is not a Xu-Fu issue, but I cannot log into Curse gaming, so I'm hoping someone found a work around for this and could share, as this is mainly what I use /way for. :)

Azurewren rédigé le 2016-11-03 00:46:57

Is it possible to have a Ready Check for Draenor and Pandaria like you do for Legion?


rédigé le 2016-11-03 07:31:55

I'm planning something very similar along those lines :-)

Azurewren rédigé le 2016-11-03 00:45:58

Hi, is it possible to have a Ready Checker for Draenor and Pandaria like you do for Legion?

Xenoprim rédigé le 2016-08-23 01:30:55

Very nice guide and Page .... looking forward to Legion update by you. Meanwile making very good use of the "old content" stuff here :)

Bluemoons rédigé le 2016-07-30 00:20:56

LOVE your guide! Please update for Legion!!


rédigé le 2016-07-30 03:45:39

Thank you :D Already on it ^^

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