
Patch 11.0.7: Siren Isle is Live!

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Table of Contents:

1. New Pets
1.1 Siren's Isle Wild Pets (9)
1.2 Siren's Isle Drops (2)
1.3 Siren's Isle Discoveries (1)
1.4 Siren's Isle Vendor (1)
1.5 Holiday (3)
1.6 Trading Post (4)
1.7 Plunderstorm (2)
1.8 Promotion (1)
1.9 In-Game Shop (1)
2. Updates

Patch 11.0.7: Siren Isle is Live!


2024-11-05 01:07:38
Patch 11.0.7: Siren Isle is Live!

Here's everything we have, so far!

1. New Pets

1.1 Siren's Isle Wild Pets (9)

Battleboar Piglet

Only available while the Vrykul invade

Cave Kroling

Cliffreach Cub

Pillaged Parrot

Only available while the Pirates invade

Rusty Kroling

Scavenging Snapdragon

Snapdragon Pup

Only available while the Naga invade

Storm-Infused Snapdragon

Tidal Kroling

1.2 Siren's Isle Drops (2)


Proper Parrot

1.3 Siren's Isle Discoveries (1)


Quest: Homeward Bound to Safer Shores

1.4 Siren's Isle Vendor (1)


1.5 Holiday (3)


Living Rose

Portentous Present

1.6 Trading Post (4)

Fullbelly Rollingpaw

Teatuft Tamer

Wind-Up Woofer

Wind-Up Wuffi

1.7 Plunderstorm (2)



1.8 Promotion (1)

Razeshi B.

1.9 In-Game Shop (1)

Mech-Friend Maya

2. Updates

  • Slim's source has been updated to the quest, 'Grand, Gutsy Solutions', which is part of the Gutter Work storyline. As of right now, the PTR is not retroactively rewarding Slim to characters who have already completed the quest, meaning if nothing changes players will need to complete the quest again.

  • Players that completed the Khaz Algar Family meta prior to 11.0.5 should receive Fuzzy

  • Beetriz source changed to Promotion

  • Umbral Amalgam will be removed from the Safari achievement, but not the game itself. According to a Dev in the Secret Finder's Discord, they know there is an issue with the spawn and/or spawn rate, but the fix is not simple so they're removing it form the achievement for the time being.


wrote on 2024-12-19 04:07:07

has anyone seen the wild snapdragons and parrots on the island yet? i got the 4x krolings, and the cub so far today. i thought pets weren't in yet, until i found out my pet tracking was off. I never turn it off either.


wrote on 2024-12-19 06:34:49

I didn't put it on this page, but the Snapdragons Pups will be there when the Naga are invading, and the Parrots will be there when the pirates are invading


wrote on 2024-12-19 06:37:46

It's now been added below the pets' names. ^^'


wrote on 2024-12-20 05:30:41

cool, after i posted this i found out about the snapdragon wild pets in the storm event version of the Isle. got them last night. got Grunch today on my 6th character. a toy too (edited)


wrote on 2024-12-20 05:46:53

Grats! ^^


wrote on 2024-11-10 04:59:19

I love Living Rose. Imma call it Audrey. (edited)


wrote on 2024-11-10 06:32:44

10/10 name; perfect fit ^^


wrote on 2024-12-06 03:28:41

I wish I had thought of that :)


wrote on 2024-11-05 14:03:59

Snapdragon Pup is the king of DOTs!


wrote on 2024-11-05 21:29:51

Right? lol

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