Zone: The Hinterlands
Prerequisite Quest: Rescue OOX-09/HL!
Zone: Feralas
Prerequisite Quest: Rescue OOX-22/FE!
Zone: Tanaris
Prerequisite Quest: Rescue OOX-17/TN!
Zone: Booty Bay
Final Quest: An OOX of Your Own
You will need to complete the prerequisite escort quests from Hinterlands, Feralas, and Tanaris by farming up the respective zones' Distress Beacons:
Here is a script you can run to see if your character has completed these pre-req quests:
/run local z={"Tanaris","Hinterlands","Feralas"}for k,v in pairs({{351,648},{485,836},{25475,25476}})do print(z[k])for i,q in pairs(v)do print(" #"..i,"124Hquest:"..q.."124h["..q.."]124h",C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(q))end end
Once you complete the escort quests, you can visit Oglethorpe Obnoticus <Gnomish Engineering Trainer> in Booty Bay to pick up and complete the An OOX of Your Own quest for the Mechanical Chicken.
/way #210 43.0 72.0 Oglethorpe Obnoticus
Last Update: 2024-02-06 13:11:00 (Patch 10.2.5)
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