
Your Week in Pet Battles for 14 January

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Table of Contents:

1. Pet Battle Bonus Week
1.1 Repeatable Tamers
2. Warlords of Draenor Timewalking
3. Sign of Battle: Battleground Bonus Event
4. Plunderstorm!
5. January Trading Post!
6. Mountain Dew & Doritos Promo Pets!
7. Siren Isle Invader of the Week
8. Maw Assaults
9. Uldum N'Zoth Assault
9.1 Pyre of the Amalgamated One
9.2 Vision of the Twisting Sands
10. Horrific Vision of Stormwind
11. Seasonal Pet: Snowy Owl!
12. Vol'dun Assaults
13. Battle for Azeroth Islands & Salvage
13.1 Battle of Azeroth Islands: Crestfall, Dread Chain, Whispering Reef
13.2 Battle of Azeroth Islands Salvage: Crestfall, Jorundall, Un'gol Ruins, Venture Co. 'Salvage'

Your Week in Pet Battles for 14 January


2025-01-17 07:49:42
Here's everything going on for you and your pets for this week in WoW!

1. Pet Battle Bonus Week

The time has come, once again, to level all your pets!

The weekly reset brings the pet battle bonus week, and The Sign of the Critter offers a 100% increase on pet experience, so it's the perfect time to tackle that queue.

1.1 Repeatable Tamers

If you'd like to know what repeatable trainers to look out for this week, head over to our Powerleveling Guide to find out which ones are great for maximizing the use of the bonus xp. It will also offer the top leveling strategies for each of the fights, tips & tricks, and links to non-repeatable tamers as well as other useful guides.

2. Warlords of Draenor Timewalking

You’ll be able to visit the Timewalking vendors Tempra in Stormshield and Kronnus in Warspear. They’ll be waiting to take your hard-earned Timewarped Badges in exchange for some tempting rewards:

Reputation Tokens for all major Warlords of Draenor factions including: Arakkoa Outcasts, Steamwheedle Preservation Society, Order of the Awakened, Saberstalkers, Frostwolf Orcs/Council of Exarchs, Laughing Skull Orcs/Sha’tari Defense, Hand of the Prophet

Warlords of Draenor Timewalking - Faction Pets:
Albino River Calf
Blazing Firehawk
Bone Wasp (H)
Draenei Micro Defender (A)
Forest Sproutling
Frostwolf Pup (H)
Savage Cub
Sky Fry (A)
Son of Sethe

3. Sign of Battle: Battleground Bonus Event

This week our bonus event grants 50% increased Honor gains from Battlegrounds. Below are all the pets you can receive as rewards via the Honor system, and what level Honor you need for them.

Dutiful Gruntling / Dutiful Squire (Honor Level 5)
Alliance Enthusiast / Horde Fanatic (Honor Level 20)
Bucketshell / Sir Snips (Honor Level 400)

4. Plunderstorm!

Batten down the hatches and hoist your sails: Plunderstorm is back!

There are five pets to collect from this battle royale event that can be purchased for Plunder earned in your matches:

Parley - New!
Sparklesnap - New!

5. January Trading Post!

The mechanically-inclined Wind-Up Wuffi & Wind-Up Woofer are making their Overcharged debuts to the Trading Post for 300 Trader's Tender! On top of that, the Time-Lost Salamanther has returned for 600 Trader's Tender.

6. Mountain Dew & Doritos Promo Pets!

Blizzard has partnered with Mountain Dew's Game Fuel program, and among the reward you can collect three pets: Lil' Ragnaros, Chillbot 9000, & Thrillbot 9000! Each pet costs 400 points.

Time Period: The Program begins 12:00:00 p.m. ET on Monday, November 4, 2024, and ends at 11:59:59 p.m. ET on Friday, January 31, 2025. Points will remain in your Account until they are redeemed for a Reward, entered into a sweepstakes drawing or until they expire on Friday, February 28, 2025 at 11:59 PM ET.

A list of participating products can be found at Mtn Dew Gaming's website here. Two things to keep in mind: only products with the promotional graphics will give points, and the Doritos bags seem to have the points on the outside of the package. This means people can grab those codes, so be wary when purchasing Doritos for this.

7. Siren Isle Invader of the Week

This week on the Siren Isle the Naga are invading, which gives you a chance to capture the Snapdragon Pup!

8. Maw Assaults

Maw Assault - Kyrian:
Sly (A Sly Fox Progress),
Sinfall Screecher (Treasure up when No One Floats Down here NOT Available),
& Copperback Etherwyrm (Assault Cache) until mid-week reset

At mid-week reset this transitions to Maw Assault - Necrolord:
Lil' Abom (Crafted Treasure)
& Fodder (Assault Cache)

9. Uldum N'Zoth Assault

9.1 Pyre of the Amalgamated One

The Uldum - N'Zoth Assault: Pyre of the Amalgamated One Bonus Objective will spawn the Amalgamation of Flesh Rare, which has a chance to drop the Wicked Lurker

The Bonus Objective itself is not a guaranteed spawn during the assault. If you'd like to know if it's spawning for the day, Remte posts Daily Reports in the Xu-Fu's, Warcraft Pets, & Secret Finder's Discord.

9.2 Vision of the Twisting Sands

While the N'Zoth Assault is up in Uldum, you can access the Vision of Twisting Sands for the Void-Scarred Beetle pet! The entrance can be found just to the east of Ramkahen, and you will need to have completed Descending Into Madness to gain access to this area.

10. Horrific Vision of Stormwind

This week's Horrific Vision is Stormwind, and these are the pets you can see from drops and chests!

Void-Scarred Cat
Void-Scarred Hare
Void-Scarred Rat
Achievement: Reek

11. Seasonal Pet: Snowy Owl!

From 21 December (first day of Winter) until around 20 March (first day of Spring), the Snowy Owl becomes available for capture in Winterspring!
This pet is required for the Kalimdor Safari achievement.

12. Vol'dun Assaults

Vol'dun Assault - Many Fine Heroes: Rebuilt Mechanical Spider (Horde) & Rebuilt Gorilla Bot (Alliance)

Time: Friday 17 January. Begins @ 4 pm CEST/Pacific - Ends @ 11 pm

Time: Wednesday 22 January. Begins @ 10 am CEST/Pacific - Ends @ 5 pm

13. Battle for Azeroth Islands & Salvage

13.1 Battle of Azeroth Islands: Crestfall, Dread Chain, Whispering Reef


Captain Nibs
Ghostly Whelpling
Thistlebrush Bud
Craghoof Kid
Sparkleshell Sandcrawler
Deathsting Scorpid
Firesting Buzzer
Tinder Pup
Kindleweb Spiderling
Leatherwing Screecher
Bloodstone Tunneler
Sunscale Hatchling
Muskflank Calfling
Sandshell Chitterer
Needleback Pup
Shadefeather Hatchling
Baby Stonehide
False Knucklebump

Dread Chain

Muskflank Calfling
Bloodstone Tunneler
Sparkleshell Sandcrawler
Firesting Buzzer
Sunscale Hatchling
Thistlebrush Bud
Craghoof Kid
Needleback Pup
Shadefeather Hatchling
Baby Stonehide
False Knucklebump
Leatherwing Screecher
Sandshell Chitterer

Whispering Reef

Shadefeather Hatchling
Juvenile Brineshell
Sparkleshell Sandcrawler
Coldlight Surfrunner
Firesting Buzzer
Deathsting Scorpid
Muskflank Calfling
Sunscale Hatchling
Baby Stonehide
False Knucklebump
Needleback Pup

13.2 Battle of Azeroth Islands Salvage: Crestfall, Jorundall, Un'gol Ruins, Venture Co. 'Salvage'


Captain Nibs
Ghostly Whelpling
Thistlebrush Bud
Craghoof Kid
Sparkleshell Sandcrawler
Deathsting Scorpid
Firesting Buzzer
Tinder Pup
Kindleweb Spiderling
Leatherwing Screecher
Bloodstone Tunneler
Sunscale Hatchling
Muskflank Calfling
Sandshell Chitterer
Needleback Pup
Shadefeather Hatchling
Baby Stonehide
False Knucklebump


Muskflank Calfling
Thunderscale Whelpling
Bloodstone Tunneler
Sparkleshell Sandcrawler
Firesting Buzzer
Sunscale Hatchling
Thistlebrush Bud
Craghoof Kid
Baby Stonehide
False Knucklebump
Needleback Pup
Leatherwing Screecher
Shadefeather Hatchling
Sandshell Chitterer
Tinder Pup
Deathsting Scorpid
Kindleweb Spiderling
Captain Nibs

Un'gol Ruins

Muskflank Calfling
Bloodstone Tunneler
Sparkleshell Sandcrawler
Firesting Buzzer
Sunscale Hatchling
Craghoof Kid
Needleback Pup
Shadefeather Hatchling
Baby Stonehide
False Knucklebump
Leatherwing Screecher
Thistlebrush Bud

Venture Co. ‘Salvage’

Firesting Buzzer
Thistlebrush Bud

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