
Patch 11.1: Undermine(d) - Datamining

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Table of Contents:

1. New Pets
1.1 Wild Pets
1.2 Vendor
1.3 Quest
1.4 Drop
1.5 Achievement
1.6 Unknown
2. Tamers (4)
2.1 Creech
2.2 Precision Powerdrill
2.3 Prezly Wavecutter
2.4 Baxx the Purveyor
3. Updates - TBA

Patch 11.1: Undermine(d) - Datamining


2024-12-20 23:29:29
Datamining has begun for Patch 11.1: Undermined! Here's everything we have, so far!







1. New Pets

1.1 Wild Pets

Acid-Drenched Rat

Stop me if you've heard this one before: they fell into a vat of radioactive acid.

Pet Battle: Undermine

Family: Critter

Abilities: Saña, Golpe rabioso, Hedor
Porquería ácida, Colmillo venenoso, Supervivencia

Alchemical Runoff

Lab leaks are sometimes dangerous. Sometimes, they're cute. Sometimes, both!

Pet Battle: Undermine

Family: Magic

Abilities: Toque de mocos, Emplasto, Consumir cadáver,
Corrosión, Lluvia ácida, Expurgar

Bombshell Crab

The natural habitat of these crabs is so polluted and devoid of shells that they've been forced to take shelter in discarded goblin munitions. Are you gonna keep littering after learning that?

Pet Battle: Undermine

Family: Aquatic

Abilities: Atenazar, Chorro de agua, Dentellada profunda,
Quemar, Bomba va, Explotar

Cave Crab

Buried amid sand and sediment, these crabs blend right into their environment.

Pet Battle: Undermine

Family: Aquatic

Abilities: Pellizco, Armadura protectora, Zambullida,
Oleada, Burbuja, Estampida

Kaja Crab

Did it spend too long near kaja'mite? Did someone give it kaja'cola? Who knows, but the name is great branding.

Pet Battle: Zuldazar

Family: Aquatic

Abilities: Pellizco, Armadura protectora, Zambullida,
Oleada, Prisión de cristal, Lluvia ácida

Lime Roboclucker

The acid-green accents add a sporty vibe to this flightless robotic bird thing.

Pet Battle: Undermine

Family: Mechanical

Abilities: Láser, Sobretono, Tromba de huevos,
Objetivo fijado, Cluc, Sacudida de alas

Paleshell Crab

Paleshell cave crabs are said to be the tastiest variety. Perhaps that's why they're the hardest to find.

Pet Battle: Undermine

Family: Aquatic

Abilities: Pellizco, Armadura protectora, Zambullida,
Oleada, Burbuja, Tormenta de arena

Spring-Loaded Ribbitron

A robotic frog might seem useless, but once you're attacked by a swarm of mechanical flies, you'll be wishing you had one.

Pet Battle: Undermine

Family: Mechanical

Abilities: Latigazo de lengua, Cepo, Granada pegajosa,
Beso de rana, Lluvia purificadora, Sacudida interruptora

Tropical Frog

A recent excavation on Zuldazar obliterated the natural habitat of these creatures and sent them spilling into the wilds.

Pet Battle: Zuldazar

Family: Aquatic

Abilities: Aumento, Ola de sanación, Beso de rana,
Latigazo de lengua, Corrosión, Piel tóxica

Ultrahopper EX

Faster. Stronger. And it can double jump.

Pet Battle: Undermine

Family: Mechanical

Abilities: Latigazo de lengua, Cepo, Granada pegajosa,
Beso de rana, Lluvia purificadora, Sacudida interruptora


Scientists, engineers, and gamers of Undermine must keep their desks clean lest they be visited by the underroaches.

Pet Battle: Undermine

Family: Critter

Abilities: Arañar, Sisear, Enjambre,
Flanquear, Supervivencia, Apocalipsis

Varmint MK II

Before the Mark II, Varmints were a sorry excuse for an annoying and over-engineered pest. Now, though? They're absolutely infuriating!

Pet Battle: Undermine

Family: Mechanical

Abilities: Dentellada, Bomba de bruma, Excavar,
Sacudir, Agacharse, Reconstruir

Venture Bombshell

In a pinch, Venture Co. workers might use these creatures for some impromptu demolition. Get it? Pinch?

Pet Battle: Undermine

Family: Aquatic

Abilities: Atenazar, Chorro de agua, Dentellada profunda,
Quemar, Bomba va, Explotar

Wily Rat

The thicker and more gangly the whiskers, the more devious the rodent. That's just basic biology.

Pet Battle: Undermine

Family: Critter

Abilities: Arañar, Aluvión, Estampida
Regreso, Colmillo venenoso, Supervivencia

1.2 Vendor

Bilgewater Junkhauler

Scrap metal hunks hauling junk.

Zone: Undermine

Vendor: Rocco Razzboom

Cost: Resonance Crystals x 6,500

Family: Mechanical

Abilities: Misil, Cruce de cables, Martillo,
Sacudir, Torreta, Explotar

Blackwater Kegmover

Being a pirate is alright with me, especially if you've got this thing willing to carry your grog.

Zone: Undermine

Vendor: Ditty Fuzeboy

Cost: Miscellaneous Mechanica x 5

Family: Mechanical

Abilities: Misil, Cruce de cables, Martillo,
Sacudir, Lanzar barrica, Explotar

Crimson Mechasaur

It's red because it like, killed so many bad guys! It's all their blood! And it's on fire too!

Zone: Undermine

Vendor: Ditty Fuzeboy

Cost: Miscellaneous Mechanica x 10

Family: Mechanical

Abilities: Garfas de cuchilla, Señuelo, Armagedón,
Dentellada, Destripar, Desvío


He's just a bit tuckered out. He's just a little guy.

Zone: Undermine

Vendor: Lab Assistant Laszly

Cost: Resonance Crystals x 6,500

Family: Beast

Abilities: Mordedura, Lamer, Devolver,
Ladrido, Oler, Empacho comatoso


Do you see pity in these blinking, soulless eyes? I didn't think so.

Zone: Undermine

Vendor: Ditty Fuzeboy

Cost: Miscellaneous Mechanica x 5

Family: Mechanical

Abilities: Dentellada, Bomba de bruma, Excavar,
Sacudir, Agacharse, Sobrecarga eléctrica

Professor Punch

And he was all like, Primal Punch!!

Zone: Undermine

Vendor: Ditty Fuzeboy

Cost: Miscellaneous Mechanica x 8

Family: Mechanical

Abilities: Demoler, Rabia primigenia, Lanzar barrica,
Embate corporal, Lógica, Salto heroico


And even if they reach the danish, they'll never get past Rocketfist!

Zone: Undermine

Vendor: Shredz the Scrapper

Cost: Resonance Crystals x 6,500

Family: Mechanical

Abilities: Demoler, Rabia primigenia, Lanzar barrica,
Embate corporal, Lógica, Salto heroico

Steamwheedle Flunkie

It's lame to have a hunchbacked crony mewl 'yes master' when you can just get a robot to do it for free.

Zone: Undermine

Vendor: Ditty Fuzeboy

Cost: Miscellaneous Mechanica x 5

Family: Mechanical

Abilities: Misil, Cruce de cables, Martillo,
Sacudir, Torreta, Explotar

Venture Companyman

Yes boss! Yes boss! Yes boss!

Zone: Undermine

Vendor: Ditty Fuzeboy

Cost: Miscellaneous Mechanica x 5

Family: Mechanical

Abilities: Misil, Cruce de cables, Martillo,
Sacudir, Torreta, Explotar

Wavebreaker Mechasaur

And then, woosh! It comes stampeding out of the ocean and like, roars! Raaargh!

Zone: Undermine

Vendor: Boatswain Hardee

Cost: Resonance Crystals x 6,500

Family: Mechanical

Abilities: Garfas de cuchilla, Señuelo, Armagedón,
Dentellada, Destripar, Sangre en el agua

1.3 Quest


Gorillion possesses the strength of not one, but FIVE gorillas.

Zone: Undermine

Quest: Inoperative Gorillion

Family: Mechanical

Abilities: Demoler, Rabia primigenia, Lanzar barrica,
Embate corporal, Lógica, Salto heroico

1.4 Drop


The Gallagio is well-known in Undermine for unexpectedly animating piles of valuables in unexpected places.

Zone: Undermine

Drop: Gallagio Garbage

Family: Elemental

Abilities: Puñetazo, Piel dorada, Lluvia de monedas,
Inflación, Acometida áurea, Arenas movedizas


Originally built by Dr. DELVER to compete with renowned treasure hunter Brann Bronzebeard. Never really panned out though, so now he just helps out.

Drop: Goblin Delve's Heavy Trunk

Family: Mechanical

Abilities: Misil, Cruce de cables, Martillo,
Sacudir, Torreta, Explotar

1.5 Achievement

Iron Chick

Shrugs off boiling oil and eleven secret herbs and spices. Just don't introduce it to rust.

Category: The War Within

Achievement: Honored with the Cartels

Family: Mechanical

Abilities: Láser, Sobretono, Tromba de huevos,
Objetivo fijado, Cluc, Sacudida de alas


Cave swallows were once plentiful in the early days of Undermine's construction. Now, goblin construction has left the population of these beautiful birds dangerously low.

Category: The War Within > Battle Pets > Collection

Achievement: Undermine Safari

Family: Flyer

Abilities: Viento cortante, Alimentar, Elevación,
Tajo sañoso, Frenesí emplumado, Sacudida de alas

1.6 Unknown


Small, snappy, and with a temper as explosive as its name. Handle with caution!

Source: ??

Family: Aquatic

Abilities: Atenazar, Chorro de agua, Dentellada profunda,
Quemar, Bomba va, Explotar


The itchy legs! The wiggly antennae! Okay, fine, he's not cute. But he's trying!

Source: ??

Family: Critter

Abilities: Arañar, Sisear, Enjambre,
Flanquear, Supervivencia, Apocalipsis


Eagerly attends every cookout. He just wants to grill for gob's sake!

Source: ??

Family: Beast

Abilities: Mordedura, Lamer, Devolver,
Ladrido, Oler, Superladrido

Fun-Size Flarendo

Nuh-uh! Yellow is coolest! It's themed after the original, who's totally gonna beat that stupid gorilla!

Source: ??

Family: Mechanical

Abilities: Garfas de cuchilla, Señuelo, Armagedón,
Dentellada, Destripar, Desvío


Do the hyenas need to wear goggles? Absolutely not. Does it look extremely cool? Incredibly.

Source: ??

Family: Beast

Abilities: Mordedura, Lamer, Devolver,
Ladrido, Oler, Superladrido


Look, she likes it! She's smiling, see!

Source: ??

Family: Beast

Abilities: Mordedura, Lamer, Devolver,
Ladrido, Oler, Superladrido

Lab Rat

They weren't lying, this rat can absolutely get that dang cheese.

Source: ??

Family: Critter

Abilities: Arañar, Aluvión, Estampida
Regreso, Colmillo venenoso, Supervivencia


One more thing... Show my hound some respect.

Source: ??

Family: Beast

Abilities: Mordedura, Lamer, Devolver,
Ladrido, Oler, Festín

Personal-Use Sapper

Fun for the whole family! A self-detonating robot for all occasions!

Source: ??

Family: Mechanical

Abilities: Misil, Cruce de cables, Martillo,
Sacudir, Torreta, Explotar


Gotta be tough with the scruff.

Source: ??

Family: Beast

Abilities: Mordedura, Lamer, Devolver,
Ladrido, Oler, Superladrido


People get turned into rats sometimes. It's not that weird.

Source: ??

Family: Critter

Abilities: Arañar, Aluvión, Fingir muerte,
Regreso, Estampida, Supervivencia

Tiny Torq

Tiny Torq's dad could TOTALLY beat up Flarendo's dad.

Source: ??

Family: Mechanical

Abilities: Demoler, Lanzar barrica, Rabia primigenia,
Embate corporal, Lógica, Salto heroico

Viridian Mechasaur

It totally fell into a pit of acid but then it came back ten times stronger! So cool!!!

Source: ??

Family: Mechanical

Abilities: Garfas de cuchilla, Señuelo, Armagedón,
Dentellada, Destripar, Desvío

Yellow Tropical Frog

No Flavor Text

Source: ??

Family: Aquatic

Abilities: Zarpa, Arañazo, Devorar,
Abalanzarse, Alimentar, Acechar

2. Tamers (4)

2.1 Creech

WQ: Approach the Croach

Pet 1: Sooty Croach

Type: Critter

Health: 1638
Power: 323
Speed: 263

Abilities: Scratch, Survival, Apocalypse

Pet 2: Muddy Croach

Type: Critter

Health: 1638
Power: 323
Speed: 263

Abilities: Scratch, Swarm, Survival

Pet 3: Rusty Croach

Type: Critter

Health: 1638
Power: 323
Speed: 263

Abilities: Scratch, Hiss, Flank

2.2 Precision Powerdrill

WQ: Drilling Down

Type: Mechanical

Health: 2526 > 485 (Mech Rez)
Power: 300
Speed: 338

Abilities: Drill Charge, Hammering Drill (New), Repair

2.3 Prezly Wavecutter

WQ: Loyal Crewmates

Pet 1: Lookout

Type: Aquatic (?)

Health: 1638
Power: 323
Speed: 263

Abilities: Quills, Wild Winds, Preen

Pet 2: Swabbie

Type: Aquatic (?)

Health: 1773
Power: 350
Speed: 203

Abilities: Batter, Barrel Toss, Explode

Pet 3: Cannoneer

Type: Aquatic

Health: 1938
Power: 323
Speed: 203

Abilities: Snap, Deep Snap, Bombing Run

2.4 Baxx the Purveyor

WQ: Tiny, Expensive, and Deadly

Pet 1: Handbag Hyena

Type: Beast

Health: 1831
Power: 379
Speed: 232

Abilities: Bite, Lick, Retrieve

Pet 2: Fancier Rat

Type: Critter

Health: 1912
Power: 362
Speed: 232

Abilities: Scratch, Flurry Stampede

Pet 3: Status Symbol

Type: Flyer

Health: 1766
Power: 349
Speed: 427 (buffed) > 284 (unbuffed)

Abilities: Slicing Wind, Rain Dance, Shadowmeld

3. Updates - TBA


escrito el 2025-01-12 04:46:26

I am glad that resonance crystals are warband tradable. if someone doesn't have enough from buying gear, mounts or mogs, they may want to get back to doing the content that gives them.


escrito el 2025-01-12 06:07:50

I haven't looked at the roadmap for when the patch goes live, so there's still time for it to chance, but we'll see.

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