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The War Within Compilation Article - Updated 27 DecemberSubscribe via RSS |
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I had to complete the intro quests for the campaign, and once I was sent to find Adelgonn at Freywold Village, the turtle showed up there.
In The Ringing Deeps you can find a Scary Dark Chest with Oop'lajax in it. Usually it'll be locked and you have to light all (?) nearby Candle Stubs in a short time frame (or some of them in the correct order?). Unfortunately, I could open the treasure without being aware of the puzzle, probably because other players did it shortly before.
Make sure to have this pet summoned to eventually experience its cute little interaction ;-)
Make sure you're not on a mount when you are supposed to throw the fish into the water. When I did the quests, the extra action buttons for Put Me in the Water didn't show until I dismounted.
wrote on 2024-11-15 23:59:44
PS Brann at level 50 now, and i still don't have 3 of the delve pets from the Heavy Trunks. yay? (edited)
wrote on 2024-09-30 18:19:31
Not a fan of the pet drop rates from delves. i have Brann leveled to 35 and haven't seen a single pet. :( (edited)
wrote on 2024-10-01 02:49:30
wrote on 2024-04-19 00:09:15
wrote on 2024-04-21 13:08:26
wrote on 2024-04-23 03:37:41
wrote on 2024-04-26 00:20:45
~ Argent Scootlefish name changed to Oop'lajax, moved to drop section, & flavor text added
~ Promotion section created
~ New pet Flash added to promotion section
~ New pet Gale added to promotion section
~ New pet Thundo added to promotion section
~ Sandstone Protolamb name changed to Sandstone Mosswool
~ Rosewool Protolamb name changed to Lil' Moss Rosy
~ Friendhaver Grem team confirmed & in the Ringing Deeps
~ Locations added for all other NPC enemies
~ Additional information added for the Diamond Crab
~ New potential pet added: Mikah
~ Renown vendor information for Guacamole updated
wrote on 2024-04-26 19:57:40
~ Dalaran Sewer Turtle added to Unknown section, along with additional information from Flip Method on how we might acquire this pet.
~ Redthroat Skipling name changed to Admiral
~ Bean's item information added: Freshly Webbed Kebab
~ Cinderhoney Emberstinger name changed to Embersting
~ Cinderwold Sizzlestinger name changed to Bumbler
~ Frenzied Bloodtick name changed to Clot
~ Moss Skipper name changed to Bup
~ Pillarnest Bonedrinker name changed to just Bonedrinker
~ Rak-Ush Threadling name changed to Baleclaw
wrote on 2024-05-03 21:04:58
~ Updated Kyrie's & Ziriak's tamer teams.
~ Updated stats for Guttergunk, Kyrie's team, Friendhaver Grem's team, & Haywire Servebot
~ Faithful Dog companion pet added to Unknown section.
~ Coppers the Kobold companion pet added to Unknown section.
~ Nightshade moved to Vendor section, with vendor source & cost added, & flavor text updated.
~ Kobold Fist-Thrower's name changed to Chester, and moved to Drop section with a source & flavor text updated.
~ Abyssal Lurker moved to Wild Pet section
~ Jump Jump's Renown Rank updated & cost added
~ Toy Added: Pet-Sized Candle - Thanks to Gandem / Kre on Twitter for tagging me with the info. ^^ (edited)
wrote on 2024-05-12 03:17:01
~ Ziriak's team's stats added
~ Zaedu Legendary enemy stats added
~ Undermoth pet datamined in 10.1 seen in wild battle in Azj-Kahet, and has been added to the wild battle section
~ Of the various Sporebits, one has been singled out, the Violet Sporebit, and has been added to the Unknown section, with a family change, and flavor text and abilities added.
~ New pet, Mind Slurp, added to Unknown section
~ Wording updated for the Khaz Algar Safari Achievement
~ Itchbite & Fringe added to vendor section, with zone, vendor, & cost added
~ Vendor for Jump Jump updated
~ Spinner added to Drop section and source added
~ Nightshade name updated to Sir Shady Mrgglton Junior
wrote on 2024-05-15 06:02:03
~ Spinner's source changed from Nest Egg to Trapped Trove
~ Bonedrinker's source updated to Nest Egg
~ Blightbud's source updated to Treasure: Dislodged Blockage, and moved to the Drops section.
~ Flavor text updated for all of the Epic Edition Storm Gryphons
~ Updated Khaz Algar Safari image with pet name updates
wrote on 2024-05-15 21:57:46
~ Source added for Vanilla and moved to the Quest section
wrote on 2024-05-22 05:42:47
~ New pet 'Wobbles' added to Unknown section
~ Bop moves to Dungeon section
~ Oop'lajax's abilities added
~ Purple Stagshell moved to Achievement section
wrote on 2024-06-10 02:53:39
~ New pet Claudius added for Trading Post, 330 Tenders
~ Bouncer flavor text changed
~ Sources added for Bouncer, Wriggle, Sneef, and Violet Sporbit all from "Heavy Trunk" in Delves
~ Bumbler renamed to Cinderwold Sizzlestinger, source added, and moved to Quests/World Quests section
~ Bean flavor text changed
~ Dread Shalewing moved from 10.1 article, renamed to Soot-Stained Shalewing, added to Trading Post section for 200 Tenders, and flavor text updated
~ Guacamole's and Loamy's costs updated to 6500 Resonance Crystals
~ Jump Jump's currency and amount updated
~ Wobbles & Coppers the Kobold moved to Vendor section, sources added, images added, and flavor text updated for Coppers
~ Dalaran Sewer Turtle, Lil' Moss Rosy, Sapphire Crab, and Faithful Dog moved to Treasure section with source explanations added
wrote on 2024-07-08 05:04:42
~ Link added for Home Is Where the Candle Is quest for Cinderwold Sizzlestinger
~ Itchbite & Fringe currency changed from Polished Pet Charms to Kej
~ Added Recipe: Little Buddy Biscuits & Little Buddy Biscuits to new section, Items
~ Tiberius's cost updated to 6500 Resonance Crystals
~ All four Delve's Heavy Trunk pets got one specific theme added to their source. (Nerubian, Kobyss, Fungarian, Kobold)
~ "Sir Shady Mrgglton Junior" costs increased from 2000 to 10000 Undercoin
~ "Soot-stanined Shalewing" typo fixed, now Soot-stained
~ All Remembered pets from the pre-patch have had their cost changed from 25 to 10,000 as per vendor cost, despite the journal and Wowhead displaying as 25
~ Purple Stagshell's abilities added
~ Source and/or collection information added for Mind Slurp, Thunder, Bean, Hallowed Glowfly, Brown Leafbug, Sandstone Ramolith, Skippy, Starkstrike Hopper, Venomwing, Writhign Tansmutation, Fathom Incher, Waxwick, Slim, Rak-Ush Battleshell, Caustic Oozeling, Cinderhoney Emberstinger, Kaheti Bull Worm, Lil' Bonechewer, Nightfarm Growthling, Pinkskin Burrower, Skittish Sniffler, Snuffling, Diamond Crab, Mikah
~ Location added for: Arathi Chicken, Greenlands Chicken, Vile Bloodtick, Winged Arachnoid
~ Flavor text updated for: Granite Ramolith, Meek Bloodlasher
~ "Barbed Stinger" 1369 ability change (description now mentions fixed 20% chance to poison, instead of StandardAccuracy values, no longer affected by increased chances to miss/hit?)
~ Abilities added for "Purple Stagshell", "Green Stagshell", and "Tan Stagshell", ability changes on "Slim"
~ "Bup" summon item renamed to "Moss Skipper" obviously the names we end up with
~ Clot's name changed to Frenzied Bloodtick
wrote on 2024-07-27 03:42:47
~ Lil' Bonechewer moved from Vendor to Achievement section & source added
~ Shadowbog Hopper has been moved to Drops section, with source added and note from Lazey on potential source
~ "Rak-Ush Threadling" changed from Quest to Vendor (2250 Kej)
~ "Rak-Ush Battleshell" changed from Vendor to Azj-Kahet WQ "Permanent Hire" 79123 (the quest that will also unlock Rak-Ush WQs)
~ Guacamole flavor text updated
~ Coppers no longer has the repair function.
~ Currency section added
wrote on 2024-08-08 05:25:11
~ Mossy Snail zone added
~ Additional information for requirements for the Dalaran Sewer Turtle added from Quintessence
~ Coppers no longer has the vendor functionality.
wrote on 2024-08-23 02:04:55
~ Cost for pets on the vendor, Kargand in Dornogal (stable master), have been added, and the currencies have been added to the currency section.
wrote on 2024-08-26 03:34:19
~ Updated source information for the Shadowbog Hopper, with thanks to salanaar on wowhead
wrote on 2024-08-26 08:06:37
~ Additional source information for Voidling Ooze added.
wrote on 2024-08-28 08:00:44
~ Additional vendor information added for the Rak-Ush Threadling pet
wrote on 2024-09-06 05:29:25
~ Link for Patch 11.0.5 added to article
wrote on 2024-07-09 22:15:13
wrote on 2024-07-10 03:24:10
wrote on 2024-04-21 19:41:48
wrote on 2024-04-21 19:54:19
wrote on 2024-04-21 19:06:42
wrote on 2024-04-21 19:53:58
wrote on 2024-04-18 04:03:39
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