
Three New Pets from Blizzcon Warcraft Announcements!

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Three New Pets from Blizzcon Warcraft Announcements!


2023-11-03 16:16:16
With announcements at Blizzcon for the Warcraft universe, three new pets have been made available to retail players!

First up, meet Gnomelia Gearheart from the Warcraft Rumble promotion!

!!! Pet Collectors! Gnomelia is only available to collect until 11/17 (ish) !!!

Warcraft Rumble incentives available for two weeks after the official launch of Warcraft Rumble to all players who play Warcraft Rumble during that time period and defeat Hogger at the end of the tutorial.

  • To obtain Gnomelia you'll need to defeat Hogger at the end of the first map. It's not terribly difficult, but I do go over a strat against Hogger that worked for me here.

Some people are having issues with Gnomelia showing up in their collections. This issue appears to be impacting iPhone users more heavily than Android. Customer service is currently still giving canned responses for tickets, but please submit a ticket to them so they know the issue is widespread.

Next up we have Squally from the pre-order of World of Warcraft's next expansion, The War Within

  • Squally is only available in the Epic Edition at 89.99 USD

Last, but certainly not least, from the Pre-Order of Cataclysm Classic we have Lil' Wrathion!

  • Lil' Wrathion is available from both the Heroic and Epic editions. And don't be spooked if Lil' Wrathion doesn't show up yet in your collection! He will be released with the launch of patch 10.2 on 7 November!


For both pre-orders, as far as we can tell, the pets are not exclusive to pre-orders only. I checked the fine print and nothing was there to indicate these pets won't be available after these expansions launch.

And that's it! Have you Rumbled your way to Gnomelia yet, and will you be purchasing the pre-orders to get your hands on the little guys?


scritto il 2023-11-11 17:48:12

big thanks to dragons for the bluestacks suggestion! i had no reason to look for something like that before. it was kind of twitchy installing and related stuff but it works.

i didnt see gnomelia until i logged out of rumble, logged back in and then the reward screen showed. logged into wow and it was there.

as for the rest a big MEH. pre-order is fine if the ptr is about to open. not a year in advance. even then epic is way too much. i don't play classic so i am SOL on that one as well. (edited)


scritto il 2023-11-08 06:19:26

My Gnomelia Gearheart arrived! YAY


scritto il 2023-11-08 06:25:44

Grats! ^^


scritto il 2023-11-07 21:56:22

OK so I had to get this uploaded to my phone. I had no idea what I was doing and got to Hogger in 5 minutes... then had to spend 5 or 10 minutes pushing random buttons because I had no idea how to get back to the game after being diverted to "level up/reward/stuff" Then beat Hogger... now where is my pet... Also just want to say the latest generation of gamers will end up hunchbacked - playing a game on this was so uncomfortable.


scritto il 2023-11-07 22:56:40

People who can't do it on phones are using programs like Bluestacks to do it on their computers,


scritto il 2023-11-07 11:04:15

i defeated hogger on the 2nd, just got Gnomelia today on the 7th

WHisperstorm scritto il 2023-11-05 13:27:29

I don't think is Super XP with Squirt this time :( Pet Battle Bonus Event ends one day before Squirt visits our garrison!


scritto il 2023-11-05 06:23:10

oh my Gnomelia Gearheart is awedorible <3 She follows my MechaGnome in a little airplane :D <3


scritto il 2023-11-04 22:28:18

A few notes based on my experience with Warcraft Rumble:

1) I was able to run the application on my Google Pixel 3A smart phone, but it very much struggled on some of the more heavy visual effects. I wouldn't recommend attempting it on older Android budget phones (assuming the app store doesn't straight-up give you the "not compatible" warning).

2) The settings option does not have its own separate button. Instead, you access it by selecting your portrait in the top-left corner to open up a window (which has tabs for profile and settings). There are no options to reduce graphical effects, unfortunately.

3) No rewards window pop-up after completing the Hogger mission? Re-launching the app worked for me and I was able to claim them.

4) The cross-game promo rewards may take awhile to show up. If you were like me and did the whole shebang the day prior (Nov 2) to the game's official release, you had to wait until the following day (Nov 3) for them to appear. The wait shouldn't be nearly as long now, so if Gnomelia isn't displaying in your Collections after several hours despite following all instructions, do what DragonsAfterDark recommended and create a ticket. (edited)

seba scritto il 2023-11-04 16:35:22

a alguien le llego gnomelia? ya hice la campaña rumble y nada


scritto il 2023-11-04 16:41:26

Some people are having issues with her showing up in their collections. Customer Service is still giving canned responses about it, but please submit an in-game ticket so they know they issue is widespread.


scritto il 2023-11-04 18:33:05

I received mine this morning before reset


scritto il 2023-11-04 12:22:23

Sweet, Lil' Wrathion is the one I was missing

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